For about three weeks I have suffered from discomfort in my lower abdomen, the only way I can describe is that it’s a stinging like feeling. Sometimes this goes away and the tip of my penis feels uncomfortable instead. I also get lower back discomfort. I have times during the day when I have to urinate more often than normal and also at night which does feel more painful than it should. I also get a re accruing itchy redness on the top of my penis occasionally, which has been STI tested and comeback negative. I have also given urine samples to my doctor which contained no infection. I tried to drink more often and tried cranberry juice to no avail.
I do suffer from some anxiety and stress issues although I don’t feel physically stressed.
I have suffered these issues before but they usually go after a week but not this time.
This is ruining my quality of life at the moment and I wondered if anyone has had similar issues and can offer any advice.