Anyone else suffering with weird chest feeling an when getting up an moving your heart races? Been to e.r twice had blood work done said it was prestine an ECG which was ok. I have no dr an can't get any help or meds with anxiety. Is it anxiety I worry about my health all the time an get these attacks off an on every day, don't eat much my legs an feet tingle an my right arm goes numb an all limbs feel heavy an exhausted but this racing heart an out a breath doing anything besides sitting or lying down are really worrying me, my dad had heart attack at 35, I'm now 50 an female..perimenapause an anxiety or something serious? I also have very high b.p they think started with the anxiety?? Anybody else like this or ways to control it as all this is happening everyday multiple times???
Extreme anxiety or something serious - Anxiety and Depre...
Extreme anxiety or something serious
Anxiety and panic can really play tricks on your mind and body. It's good that your blood work and ECG were normal, but I think you should try to see a doctor as soon as possible. Barely eating is not going to help at all and your high blood pressure should definitely be treated. At the very least, I think you should try to eat regular, healthy meals and to watch your sodium intake. I'm sorry you are dealing with this and understand how scary it can be. I hope you can find some answers and feel better soon.
Thank you for replying! My mother an hubby say the same thing I need to eat more often at reg times an enough each time, u can't all be wrong I guess so will try!! I have no family doctor an can't get one even on a list waiting for over a decade so I did go to e.r an was given b.p meds which I've just started. Thanks for the insight it helps just knowing others r listening n can understand cause most don' hubby just thinks u can flip a switch n get over it...not that easy..
Hi and welcome to the board.
Doctors are important. Unfortunately, no one is a doctor here. I agree with Obscured and suggest you see one as we can't diagnose anything.
That being said, high blood pressure, racing heart and a tight chest are known anxiety symptoms. Usually these go away when we calm down. If anxiety is chronic, our body can get sensitized to our symptoms and begin to over react. Our muscles get tense, adrenalin pores out into our systems and we get stuck in 'fight or flight' mode. Our sympathetic nervous system goes into over-drive and we can't get our parasympathetic (rest and digest) system online. These two systems can't operate together. Either one is online or the other.
When our body is sensitized to phenomena it reacts very quickly and in odd ways. This is due to too much adrenalin and cortisol in our system. This also taxes our muscles which begin to ache and also react in odd ways. We get stuck. We have aches and pains, pins and needles, tingling and numbness, tight chest, trouble swallowing, bad stomach. You name it. We're afraid of the very symptoms our constant fear generates.
What to do?
Read Dr. Claire Weekes book Hope and Help for Your Nerves.
She'll explain it to you.
Thank you for your reply..does help having people to share this with, did get b.p meds at emerge I've been on waiting list for a family doctor for over a decade an still waiting an without one I get no help with that anxiety so I will definetly try the book u suggests thank u for that!!

Writing about stuff also helps me. That's what this board is all about. Sharing our experience with others.
That's a long time to wait for a doc. Are you in the US? If so, there are community based medical centers that work on a sliding scale and some have no copay at all. In the southwest (where I reside) we have a number of those based on geographic area you live in. The hospital you went to (if in the US) will have a social worker you can contact to help get you to the proper agency for your area.
First of all health anxiety is a very real thing. I would of course recommend you see a doctor regarding your BP and other issues.
I have pvcs with my heart and my bp is under control. They show up.on a ekg as extra heartbeats. So if your ekg was normal.that is good. However, you still need to see a doctor to determine if you need bp meds.
Anxiety causes all kinds of sensations and body feelings. Increased heart rate, aches, headache, breathing issues and of course dizziness to name a few. This does not mean we are losing our mind but it does mean we have to begin to listen to.our body. In a way anxiety is a good thing. It tells that we need to change something or react to something. It is not really trying to scare us but alert is of something. If you truly want to get the root cause of these symptoms. Please see a doctor and rule out other issues and start to listen to your body and why it is best for you.
You are not alone we are all on this similar journey and you can get through this.
Thank you for your reply! It does help hearing from others going through the same or similar situations. I don't have a dr been on a waiting list for literally over a decade!! I went to hospital twice in last week an have started on b.p meds but can't get help or meds for anxiety without a family dr. Very frustrating!!

Hi Abbagail, some of the b/p meds can also have a positive effect on your anxiety as well.Doing some calming breathing exercises and meditation can help immensely in calming
both your mind and body. YouTube has a variety of videos in getting started.
If you need help, we are here for you : xx
Thank you so much for the reply an I will check YouTube I've tried the breathing an CBT which didn't help but I will keep trying didn't know b.p meds might help with the anxiety..thank u!!!!

CBT didn't help me either and yet others swear by it.Don't let anything discourage you since we all react differently
to helpful tools.
I'm on b/p medication myself. It can be effective by the dose you are
given as well as the time it is taken. It took a little trial and error but
I now have a double benefit and feel great. Wishing you well xx
Such good info...thank u!! When do u take yr b.p meds? They said a.m to me. I so appreciate the help an info!!! U take care as well!!

Abbagail, I use to take my medication first thing in the morning after wakingup to morning anxiety. That didn't work for me. The cardiologist had said we
can try changing the time of day and if that doesn't work, we can always increase
the dose. But he said let's just try a different tme of day.
It ended up that my taking it at 9pm (reg. dose) lowered my pressure which allowed me to sleep better and to wake up less anxious. Although I do use Meditation and Breathing every day, 3x a day. Morning/Afternoon/Evening.
I'm glad my doctor didn't give up on the medication right away but just played
around with the time it was taken. All about trial and error xx
Good to know as like I've mentioned I have no family dr so just winging it from my visits to the e.r thinking I was having heart attack a couple times. This is very helpful information..I thank you!! Xx

Just so you remember that we are not doctors and go only by our ownexperiences. Be careful and stay safe. xx
Hi abbagail, I know where you are coming from. I went to the ER two days ago because I've been getting really out of breath from moving around, headaches, trouble swallowing and extreme fatigue etc. The doctors all said I was perfectly fine and I also couldn't be drinking enough water and eating enough. Even right now as I'm typing this I feel very icky. I go to the doctor alot because I feel so horrible, but every test result comes out perfectly fine!! Yes, it's super scary and you are not alone in this feeling, it always makes me feel a little better knowing I'm not alone at the very least and I have people to talk to who understand how I feel, I hope I can be that for you. Remember to stay strong, you got this! It's mentally and physically exhausting constantly worrying about your health all day trust me I understand. Your mind can be very good at tricking you alot too I've noticed if you heavily think about symptoms you can start to feel them. I also struggled getting a doctor to be put on anxiety medication, I know some places can have free mental health resources, you should try and see if there are any in your area that possibly have a psychiatrist you could talk to about getting on medication.