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Trouble at work concerning covid-19 safety protocols.

26 Replies

I work at a fairly large factory where they have covid-19 safety protocols in place that are rarely followed. If you're not vaccinated you're supposed to wear a mask and social distance. If you're vaccinated you don't have to wear a mask or follow the protocols which I'm fine with. I'm vaccinated. I would say it's about a 50/50 split of those who are vaccinated and those anti-vaxxers.

The trouble is none of these protocols are being adhered to. The supervisors and managers are allowing this to happen I've complained or expressed my concern many times and nothing changes.

Many of my coworkers are treating me badly now like I'm some kind of bad person because they've heard through the grapevine that I've been expressing my concerns and trying to get things turned around back to following safety protocols.

I'm at the point now where I wonder if I should just ignore what's going on or keep up the fight and go up higher in the management ladder see if things will change.

My manager says he's worried that the rest of the "team" is going to ostracize me at work. So he's not concerned about the safety protocols more concerned about just keeping things as is.

I am vaccinated but I do help take care of my elderly parents who are in their 80s and have underlying health concerns they are also vaccinated. I'm concerned about this new Delta virus variant that's taking over here in the US and other countries.

This situation is causing anxiety for me and restless nights now and then along with rude behavior from coworkers. I live in a smaller rural town.

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26 Replies
Roxylox profile image

I think that's very careless and inconsiderate of management. Unfortunately l cannot advise you to go further or not.I think it could be a catch 22 situation. I know how immoveble people and management can be.

Its amazing how many people seem to be forgetting how very bad things were at the height of this virus. It ain't yet gone away.

in reply to Roxylox

I'm I'm thinking of taking it higher in management because it seems from their memos that they truly want people to follow these guidelines?

Roxylox profile image
Roxylox in reply to

You are well within your rights to do so, but as you said yourself it wont make you popular. I would be firmly in your corner, but easy for me from this distance!

I think as long as you have a "thick skin" and can handle those who ostracize you, then go ahead and do what you feel is right. Your circumstances at home dictate a need for conformity at work, this goes without saying. I get the feeling that is the route you would ideally like to take.


A small town mentality and anxiety, along with insomnia have to be taken into consideration, so perhaps mull it over some more and make a list of Pros and Cons, in the event that you go ahead and pursue the matter.

This is a quandary for sure. I wish I could be of more help, Timepass.

in reply to

Great advice I'm going to take it think it over the weekend before I go any further thank you Snowdaze

You are most welcome, Timepass. 🌿

Hb2003 profile image

I’m so sorry about that 😞

b1b1b1 profile image

Even though you are vaccinated, I would be inclined to wear a mask and keep hand sanitizer with you.

EndUser13 profile image

That's annoying just to hear, if it weren't for this inconsiderate ignorance things may have never gotten out of hand in the first place.

I'm not sure I have anything useful to add that hasn't been said... and I can't speak for you but if I were in your position I'll go up the chain of command, this is just too important an issue.

in reply to EndUser13

Well said, well said!

I just had an experience, I was in Chicago dropping a load off and I read an article that was saying the the hospital there was overflowing with covid cases, I decided to call because my husband needed to be seen, so for both of our protection I call the hospital and was advised that was not true that their cases were low. So I ask what should we believe in because it seems the media is trying to cause a panic. I will never get the vaccine because of the adverse reaction I always have when I have to get the flu shot. The last time I got a flu shot it put me into ICU for 2 weeks and at that time I swore never again. I do take the recommend precautions if need be. But I have been through all 48 states and things are bake to normal.

in reply to TruckersWife4life

99.9.9% of the people don't get that kind of reaction or very little reaction. If I was put in the hospital over a flu shot I probably wouldn't get it either. The trouble is people see this kind of post especially people with anxiety and it seals their mind that they're not going to get it I hope that doesn't happen.

in reply to TruckersWife4life

I totally disagree with you about the media trying to cause a panic.

Citrinesun profile image
Citrinesun in reply to

Well actually u should do some serious research in regards to mainstream media creating fear, its not like they haven't got form for it. Thats what the media do & have always done. They lie simple as that! also do some research on the real numbers of people dying & maybe on the difference between the survival rate of having covid vs the survival rate of having the jab. Do your own research don't get dragged into living in fear because that in itself will lower your immune response.

please don't call people "anti vaxxers" should they choose not to have this particular jab that is discrimination! I for one I agree with trinity, I will not take this experimental jab for many reasons but

I have had all my jabs since childhood I also had the flu jab every year since 2007 & still i caught the nastiest flu bugs every year that would put me in bed for a month,

I also have spent 2 months on life support in my early 20s with a bacterial bug that gave me ARDS took me a whole year to learn to walk again and feel normal again, so believe me I know what it is like not to be able to breathe but still in these times I am not scared of catching anything & I will say for the first time In years I haven't even had a cold since January last year. My point is if u have been jabbed then why are you worried does the jab apparently not reduce some if the serious symptoms? Then u should try to avoid reading the main stream news & attacking people that might not be living the way you are because honestly you are showing that the fear is working & its sad to see so many people attacking each other for one reason or another you do not know every bodys personal reasons for maybe not wearing a mask or taking the jab.

Don't mean to get into it but it really annoys me to see people getting mad at each other & judging when this is exactly what those running things want to see.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Citrinesun

Media are made up of companies. Some want to stir the pot. Other have credentialed journalists who are truly interested in getting accurate information out there. Some are in between. There are lots of ways to figure this out which would take too long here. But as far as hospital occupancy goes… Hopkins, the state, Nyt, wapo all publish data , often with the % of ICU beds. In my area I can see that different hospitals around the city have different availability. So you don’t have to rely on the media.

Thanks for the reply yeah that'd be the long route but I'll think about it. I'm Union so I might start there

Midori profile image

Is there a County or State Health board? If so, report it (preferably anonymously).

That's a difficult situation. I think it's one of those pick your battles things. IMO It really stinks that we've become so polarized over COVID. You have to do what is best for you. But if it's causing you stress to the point of anxiety and loss if sleep, I think your body is telling you to let it go.

You can choose to follow the protocols and let the others take their chances.

Good luck with your decision.

Blueruth profile image

So it is looking like moderna and Pfizer are effective with the new variants. There are next to no hospitalizations for people who are vaccinated. Only unvaccinated. This puts you in a good place. You could wear a mask and explain it is for the people at home if someone asks. It is just… how long to we wait for these covidiots? I let it go because I am exhausted with the whole thing and the data says my odds are excellent

in reply to Blueruth

I agree I'm just more angry at the anti-vaxxers and how they're doing nothing to help out our nation.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to

I’m in don’t ask don’t tell mode. If you tell me I’m gonna say something. I actually volunteer the info but I don’t ask. I don’t know anyone personally that hasn’t gotten it. There is someone who works at the yoga studio but it is just hesitancy so she may have even gotten it by now. Otherwise they are just not people that would spend time with me. I like science too much.

in reply to Blueruth

I work in a health field distributing food for a native american tribe. I have seen a couple of coworkers get the virus. They turned out fine so far. But I do know quite that have it and a few of them died from it. So I can say ive seen the effects of the virus. I am discouraged that a church I went to they say they are Christian and don't believe in the shots. I disagreed with them. When they brought politics in the church that's when I decided that wasn't the church for me anymore. It's dad our nation is so divided that even families are fighting and the churches also. I dont care what you believe in so I don't expect to get grief over the fact I got the shots. Had to get that off my chest. Thank you.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to

How are cases? I read that cases in red/Christian areas are starting to rise and it is the delta variant which they expect to be predominant in a month or so. Meanwhile they believe moderna and Pfizer are effective against delta if you have both shots.I wonder if the tribe would put up with it. I believe they have exceptionally high vaccinated rates because they were at higher risk and have less access to healthcare. I hate to say it but I want to see more of them get sick. Bonus…they will have fewer voters.

in reply to Blueruth

Cases here were rampantat one time with the tribal nation. Leveling off. We get a straggler once in awhile. It's actually the church (not tribal) that doesn't believe in the moderna/pfizer injections. Many from the church had gotten the virus because they believed nothing would happen to them. The tribe is about 60% vaccinated and the church has just a few.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to

Yea… I have heard the tribes have embraced the vaccine. I’m even surprised it is only 60%

in reply to Blueruth

The tribe I work for is at that. Not sure about the others. People still believing even when their own people are passing away. Sad.

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