Has anyone ever "cured" their depress... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Has anyone ever "cured" their depression? Or do you just spend the rest of your life trying to beat it?

Inkwhale profile image
12 Replies

The symptoms are definitely worse at certain times of the month or during emotional hardships, but a lot of the time it seems there is no reason for me to feel sad. When everything is going right, I'm still depressed. It's not situational. Will it ever go away? If I start medication and it helps, do I have to be on it for the rest of my life? What is the point of anything if I always come back to this hole where all I feel is hopeless and worthless?

If someone out there has beaten the demon, please, I need to hear how.

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Inkwhale profile image
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12 Replies
Star-shine profile image

If you have a persistent low mood then antidepressants may help you. Speak to your GP, no you don’t have to take them indefinitely either. They take a couple of weeks to get into your and you may feel a bit worse at the start but give them time. Once your mood as been stable for six months your GP will usually taper you off them.

Combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise they were a godsend to me, I also had CBT therapy which again helped me enormously. You will get there it’s just when ‘the black dog’ descends you just can’t see it.

Saki-Amamiya profile image

I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently, Whale. Mental health is something I think we have to learn to live WITH rather than get over or beat, exactly.

I’ve never stopped taking antidepressants for nearly 10 years, and generally, if everything else in my life is going fine, my mental health is stable. It’s normally only aggravated by external factors (like my ex cheating on me and lying to my face, which I’m currently still coming to terms with). It’s unfortunate that my mood is often at the mercy of other occurrences and things going on in my life, but I’m aware of it and I know it can flare up at any time. So I try to manage it to the best of my ability and, generally, I don’t think it goes away ever.

That’s just my take on it anyway. If you aren’t on any medication at the moment, what do you normally do to manage it? ✌🏻

amby80 profile image

I agree with other responses. Unless it's a situational kind of depression due to a life change or something, you don't really cure it or get over it...it as my mom likes to say "wear your big girl panties". You have to find healthy ways to deal with it. You need a support system: friends you can confide in, family members who can listen and not interject a bunch of unhelpful cliches. Find a good therapist, and even a good psychiatrist and work with him/her until they find the right treatment. It took me years to get a proper diagnosis and a decent medication combination that helps me, and I still struggle. Find some things you enjoy doing. Personally, I have a "feel good" playlist that I can play when I'm down that almost immediately gets me singing and dancing and feeling good. Take a walk in your own and that's a good time to just breathe and sort things out in your mind. Being on or near water makes me feel good...I mean, just whatever you KNOW makes you feel better, even if for a little while or long enough for you to get out of the current funk. Hope this helps some and hope you put a smile on your face today like you mean it! ☺️

Marshall64 profile image
Marshall64 in reply to amby80

Maybe that is what is holding me back; I don't have any big girl pants. 😋

amby80 profile image
amby80 in reply to Marshall64

Hahaha!! Well Im a big girl who doesn't wear them at all...maybe I should start. I just hate wedgies. Lol! Thanks for the laugh

Saki-Amamiya profile image
Saki-Amamiya in reply to Marshall64

Oh of course, this must be it 😂

mentalcase profile image

If anyone finds a cure for depression I'd love to know about it. Lol. I've been on so many different meds since I started taking them about 30 years ago. They work for awhile then quit. I can't go off my antidepressants because I will have a breakdown. I take them religiously every day and night. I've been in too many mental hospitals and I'm not going to another one. I hate taking medicine, but have to take it or suffer the consequences.

Foxfur profile image

I wouldn’t say “cured” but you will learn to cope and manage your symptoms. Medication can take up to 6 weeks to help, and talk therapy helps along with the medication. It’s not a problem to be on medication for mental health for life if it helps, just like if you had a heart condition and had to be on medication for that for life, you wouldn’t question that. Take it one day at a time.

Blueruth profile image

I goes away when I am doing things I like such as exercise class or a fav movie or art. Those things affect your neurological system and can help you change it so you are more resilient. My advice is to seek moments of joy which you create, instead of a “fix”. When I was in a much worse place it was something as simple as having a muffin available for breakfast. Those 30 min might be the only “break” that day. It is a process

live-2021 profile image

My therapist described it to me once like this. You have a disease, just like diabetes or anything thing else. Taking your meds and doing things to help yourself is going to work sometimes. However, people with out depression have depressed days so we are too, just probably more. It's unfortunately something we will have to live with the rest of our lives - for alot of us. So by us working with or meds and therapist and then doing the things people mentioned earlier is all we can do. It is the way we choose to handle it, as to how we can feel. Just remember some days it's perfectly okay to feel down and do nothing, just don't let yourself live there.

Bagpuss21 profile image

I’ve spent most of my life with varying degrees of depression. I’ve ended up learning to ride out the bad days and enjoy the good days. It got to the point I realised I can’t fight / beat it, so just ride the rough days - I have an activity bag which contains things like art / craft / crochet; I’ve houseplants to attend to, and a list of things I can do on both good and bad days. This helps me manage it better.

Ulisse profile image

I think depression can be kept under control. Much depends on its severity and whether you take medication and do other things such as physical exercise and engage in other activities, physical and otherwise. So, not its not something you have to die with, something can be done. Thats the good news. The not-so-good news is that you have to maybe realize that you may be predisposed to have depression, maybe from time to time. Hence my initial comment that it can be kept under control but its up to you what you do about it.

Cheers and best wishes.


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