Please tell me what it say to you, what it means to you? If you dont mind? I won’t become offended, promise
Thought I’d share a pastel drawing - Anxiety and Depre...
Thought I’d share a pastel drawing

At first I thought it was a tree trunk. I like the curves. I like the color palette here, too! I struggle with color so I notice when a palette works. I like it! 😀🌈
Wow, that's really cool! the flower forms are so delicate, reminds me of old Asian art. How are you doing, sister?
I’m struggling how r u?
I'm okay today. Getting some work done. Diffused a heated argument with my wife -- I've been meditating, and I think it helps me to step out of the moment and realize what we sound like. My meds are stable, though the side effects on my sleep suck.
Do you feel like your medicine is supporting you any better? You're in touch with your doc?
I see an aerial view of someplace I would like to be alone. Different colors showing water, paths, forest.
I may be way off but today that's what I see. Probably because I wish I was there.
Great work ⭐️
I see an anatomy picture of a person's lower head/chin, neck and shoulders.
Beautiful colors xx
I see the inside of a tree. Probably plain on the outside like a regular tree, but complex on the inside
i see a torso in pain on the inside but looking beautiful on the outside
im ok dont post here much but i often read the posts. i know youve been in great pain off and on for quite some timefeel bad for you just dont know how to respond
Thanks yeah life had been tough for me but things seem to be getting better in some ways worse in others trying to just have a positive attitude and remember I’m moving forward even on bad days I learn from them and I’m they make me stronger. What is your story if you feel like sharing?
well i have depression, anxiety and a bit of ocd. looking back i think ive had it since i was a kid but didnt know just thought i was weird or something. i got severly depressed after my first child was born thats when started thearpy and medication got better then life changes made it come back so been off and on med for a time now i came to the conclusion that im gonna be on them for the rest of my life probably.i could go on into great detail but probably get boring ha ha
yeah its hard but worth it to have 3 day weekend i work 10 hr. days for 4 days then 3 days off
I see a woman entwined within the bark of a tree trunk....mother nature in turmoil?
Beautiful colours ...wonderful work!

Thank you Jomico!!!
Interesting drawing Starrlight. From first glance I thought your pic represented growth perhaps growth of yourself. I was then able to see a woman upside down maybe feeling a little lost in chaos. I do love art and I think we can express ourselves through it. It can be a kind of release. Bit like writing down troubled thoughts. Must get back to my art pad! Great sketch anyway. x
I see a lady nurturing..or wanting to nurture..

Beautiful. It does look like that.
I see is a tree spirit, the very soul of the tree. Did I get it wrong?
Awesome! The person who views the art can never be wrong. It is what you see. I had something in mind yes but that doesn’t even matter so much in my opinion what I see unless I am the looking are artist we are talking about. You make it your own by how you see it what it means to you from your experiences and ideas in your life. That’s what I think.