Mother Winter: This is just a random... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Mother Winter

gilded_masquerade profile image

This is just a random post but it’s been snowing on and off all day here in the town I live in (I won’t say everywhere in Canada because I don’t think it’s likely).

I used to love winter but then it started affecting my mental health. I used to snowboard and skate and do a bunch of winter activities that I no longer partake in for a variety of reasons.

But watching the snow falling outside as it gets darker and darker out, there’s something hauntingly beautiful about it.

I know that not everyone likes winter or gets to experience it but despite how crappy it can’t be but you can’t deny that it does have its own beauty.

It’s so peaceful and calming to watch. It’ll always have a special little place in my heart.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk 🙃🖤

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gilded_masquerade profile image
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60 Replies
Hb2003 profile image

Me don’t like snow as winter makes me sick 🥺🙁 thankfully i am not sick yet

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to Hb2003

I’m sorry to hear that 😕

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to gilded_masquerade

It happens

in reply to Hb2003

How does it make you sick?

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

I was outside to much and played with the snow and I got a very bad cold with pneumonia

in reply to Hb2003

Oh dear, that's sad.

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

I started to have bad asthma after that had whooping cough chest pain it was horrible

in reply to Hb2003

And it still effects you?

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

well my asthma used to be exercise induced now I have just asthma

in reply to Hb2003

It's controllable?

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

It is

in reply to Hb2003

That's not so bad then, you can do stuff and be happy. 😊👍

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Yeah 😄 I just have to be super careful 😊

in reply to Hb2003

Yes, you know what to do though to stay safe.. 😊

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to

Yep 😄

Snow is amazing, we should be getting it this week. You are right about its beauty..

It's so peaceful.

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to

I agree, I wish I could do winter stuff again but my ankles are screwed up from snowboarding 🙃

Other than that; I’m just a massive klutz.

But it is definitely peaceful, I love watching it.

in reply to gilded_masquerade

I love watching it to, I can't think of anything I dislike about it.

Do you go walking in it?

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to

I do! I try to still get outside for some fresh air and some exercise. I also like taking pictures of the scenery, just wish I had a better camera to capture what my eyes are seeing 😅

in reply to gilded_masquerade

Would you post some pictures on here? it would be great to see them.


gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to

I definitely can I just wouldn’t want to go overboard and I don’t consider myself as a very good photographer even though I do enjoy it 😅

in reply to gilded_masquerade

I bet you are better than you think at it, most artists dont like those own work 😀

mrmonk profile image

A poem by Emily Brontë for the season:

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to mrmonk

Thank you for sharing this, love her work and love reading poems 😊❄️

mrmonk profile image
mrmonk in reply to gilded_masquerade

My pleasure. I read in another thread that you enjoyed the poetry of Edgar Allan Poe, that your mother read you his verse, which I think is wonderful.

My mother didn't read poetry, but there was a nice library just down the block from where I lived growing up and I found Poe there (or maybe he found me). His poetry quite literally changed my life.

Do you have any favorite poems or poets?

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to mrmonk

I’m mostly a cliche 😅

I loved Shakespeare growing up whereas everyone hated it, I loved Poe, loved the Brontë sisters, I loved Robert Frost...

There’s too many to choose from 🙈

mrmonk profile image
mrmonk in reply to gilded_masquerade

You know, it's funny, but I was one of those who, well, maybe not "hated," but who just didn't see what was so great about Shakespeare...until I read the Sonnets...then I got it.

Also love Robert Frost (even if it's cliché to say so😹) and so many is hard to narrow it down.

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to mrmonk

Shakespeare is hard to like for a lot of people but he does have some fine pieces.

I love Robert Frost, fire and ice has always been one of my all time favourites.

I also enjoyed Nietzsche but I don’t know a lot of his work 😅

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to gilded_masquerade

My favorite of Frost is "After Apple-Picking". I can't tell you how many times I read Jane Eyre as a young girl.

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to Nothing_but_books

That’s such a good one and Jane Eyre is such a good story. You have good taste! 😌

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to gilded_masquerade

You're so sweet. Just another book lover. You have such good taste to recognize my good taste! 😂 🤣

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to Nothing_but_books

I try aha, books are the best getaways to other worlds.

And just speaking the truth 😌

Nothing_but_books profile image
Nothing_but_books in reply to gilded_masquerade

Speaking beautifully.

I agree. For the most part I love the cold, I have an easier time warming up rather than cooling down but that’s just me and even then I don’t go out much these days 😅

in reply to gilded_masquerade

I prefer the cold too, I'm not a sun person at all.

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to

I also love rainy days or nice cool cloudy fall days...the suns okay but too a point.

I’m literally as pale as the snow outside, this past summer was not fun as I got sunburnt a lot and I was so blindingly pale 😅

I like my vampire-esque appearance 🙃

in reply to gilded_masquerade

My Celtic skin is pale too, in sun I turn pink and red 😂

I like rain too storms are great.

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to

I feel that. I don’t tan I just burn 😅 and yes they are!

in reply to gilded_masquerade

Yes burn,it looks really stupid 😂

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to

My face got burnt before anything else this year. It’s one of my favourite looks 😆

in reply to gilded_masquerade

It might become trendy some day 😂

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to

Oh I hope so, finally a trend I can be a part of! 🙃

in reply to gilded_masquerade

It would be great, would be the envy of everyone.. 😶

I'd better get some sleep, thanks for the fun chat, have a great day. 🤓

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to

It would be aha and thanks for chatting! Have a good night! 🤗

How cold is it where you are?

Absolutely the snow has its beauty 🙂

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to

I agree 100% I feel like not many people appreciate it which is totally fair, it does get bland after a while. Guess it just all boils down to perspective 🙃

in reply to gilded_masquerade

Right if you have to deal with it all the time I understand why you are fed up with it😂😂. In Southern US it comes for a few days and we love it then its gone😂😂

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to

This winter has been strange, up until a few weeks ago there was barely any snow, we had a green Christmas. Now we’re being dumped on.

I don’t mind it too much but I know it can be super annoying 🙃

in reply to gilded_masquerade

That's interesting. I just assumed it snowed all the time in the winter in Canada.

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to

Not all the time, but it can be pretty constant. We got hit pretty hard recently by a polar vortex coming down from the North Pole.

We also don’t have igloos although I think it would be awesome. 😆

in reply to gilded_masquerade

Oh I thought you all lived in igloos too😂😂

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to

Nope, it’s a cool thought (no pun intended) but no and we sadly don’t have pet polar bears although that would also be awesome

in reply to gilded_masquerade

That would be quite the challenge to tame those bears. Penguins would be easier😂. Great pun😂

Yes it's to be a cold one tonight, are you in the UK?

RCCOLA profile image

When it snows and snows, I like the quiet, as if the world pauses. I wish I could make the world pause so I could catch up to where I'm supposed to be. Of course, even if that were possible, I would never catch up, Some of you most likely know that.

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to RCCOLA

That is so beautiful. I wish I could do that too, what I’d do if time froze and I could do anything 🤔

Hope you’re doing well, take care 🤗🖤

miniione1224 profile image

I live in CO, and it used to snow a great deal here but lately over the past 10 years it's gotten less and less. I really miss the good snows,even the ones that snowed us in for a few days. Like some have mentioned, it allowed us to stop for awhile and just be us instead of the mad rush all the time. I prefer the cold as for myself because I don't do very well in hot weather. Even in the winter, I like it just a slight bit cooler in the house. I like to watch the snow when it's light but steady and blowing the same way, there's something tranquil about it.

gilded_masquerade profile image
gilded_masquerade in reply to miniione1224

We had a bad ice storm in ‘98, to the point where telephone wires were so covered in ice that the were toppling over. I guess it was to the point where the power was out for about a week, I don’t remember it because I was still young but I guess since then the winters have been hit and miss. Sometimes it starts snowing at the end of October and others it starts snowing in January.

Winter has a power all of its own in its stillness and tranquility. Plus who can deny how it looks on trees, or how forests look with it. Maybe that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♀️

I used to sleep with my window open during the winter. When the heats on, I get flushed and obviously overheat. In the summer I usually get heat exhaustion from anything 19+, which sucks but it is what it is.

Im glad that you find peace in the snow or the winter, not many people do (although this post is proving me otherwise) 😊

I enjoy the winter and like to read and drink coffee so the cold really appeals to me. It’s 18 degrees in my corner of the world. I wish I didn’t have to run errands today but once I’m out, my anxiety is better, just need to push myself sometimes.

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