Don't worry, science will save our ba... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Don't worry, science will save our bacon.

Jeff1943 profile image
12 Replies

We shouldn't get complacent, but no need to panic about the Covid. Within living memory polio and TB were pandemic and took countless lives. But the men and women in white coats produced vaccines against them and wiped out these virulent diseases.

They did it before so they can do it again - have confidence that before long the new Covid vaccines will make this latest virus history too.

Until then we go on keeping our distance, wearing the mask and staying at home. Then maybe come late spring or summer we can start getting back to some sort of normal. Much to rebuild and a bill to repay. But roll on the day!

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Jeff1943 profile image
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12 Replies
Catsamaze profile image
CatsamazeADAA Volunteer

Well stated, Jeff. We will get by. Not soon enough for all those who have been lost and their families but we will get through. Science is critical to slowing down the spread of the virus and the development of the vaccine that will hopefully render it incapable of causing more illness. Science however cannot explain the resilience of the human spirit in the face of such a formidable threat. And I’m kind of glad that it can’t.

Hb2003 profile image
Hb2003 in reply to Catsamaze

It might take a very long time for this virus to go away and it might come back there are already more than 2 strains of this virus i think that there is 7 or more than 7 now

Hb2003 profile image

there are already more than 2 strains of this virus vaccines will only decrease the change of getting it or make it less likely to get it it doesn’t mean that the vaccine will remove the virus completely who knows ..

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to Hb2003

My understanding is that the new vaccines will protect against all strains of Civid19 unlike the flu jab

Thanks for your wise words Jeff1943, needed them today. X

Jeff1943 profile image

We should think of it as being at war like people had to go through in the u.k. in WW2 with the bombing and flying bombs and everyone's plans for the future put on hold.But every adversity brings with it the seed of a greater benefit: the reduction in human activity may reduce carbon emissions and help slow climate change. But at what cost in human life.

Dear Jeff, I certainly agree that panic will not help, but I just want to remind everyone that TB is still a huge issue worldwide. According to the National Institute of Health, "TB still causes more than a million deaths per year in spite of a 47% drop in TB mortality rate since 1990."

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to

TB was still rife in the U.K. up until WW2 but I have never heard of anyone I know contracting it since then. All the TB sanatoria closed, I came across an abandoned one in the New Forest once. It was the same in mainland Europe. That's what I was thinking of but I'm sure you're right and in some other parts if the world it's still an issue. An issue that should have been addressed worldwide by now.The only cases I've read about was some years back when people from other continents brought it to the U.K. but I've heard nothing since.

Jeff1943 profile image

In WW2 a bomb or flying bomb could end your life and dozens of others around you before you knew it. Even more likely if you were a front line member of the armed forces. In this pandemic if we are sensible we can be almost certain we'll survive, we have control. I still think there was more upheaval and suffering in WW2 than now.

It's an issue here in California. People who live/work in nursing homes, jails, prisons, and homeless shelters are more likely to get it. Also, if you are living with HIV you are more likely to contract TB.

Jeff1943 profile image
Jeff1943 in reply to

People who live in overcrowded conditions are more likely to catch TB but all the people you mention should be vaccinated or inoculated as we used to call it. My maternal grandfather died of TB, also called consumption, but that was in 1913. If he hadn't died of that he would probably have died in the Great War. And if not in that then by the Spanish Flu that followed which killed more than died in the Great War.

You're right 🌞

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