I know comparison is not good but sometimes I really do feel like I won't be a competent enough nurse and that is my biggest fear. It's not that I do not know the material, it is because of my lack of confidence and social anxiety.
Imagine you meeting with a nurse and the nurse is timid, shy, and quiet. Would you trust that nurse? That is my point
My teacher today said she would randomly call on a student to role play the nurse and IMMEDIATELY my heart sank and started beating over 100 beats per minute and I was extremely nervous i'd have to explain things infront of everyone and look frightened, but why? If this is what i'll be doing in just a few months...
The worse part is.. we started off with about 40 student in the class but that slowly decreased during nursing school because many failed the exams, failed the lab assessments, or they dropped because it was too much stress and they didn't want to pursue it anymore. The difference is I absolute love nursing, I love helping people, I love learning, and assessing patients, I love the enviroment and the job duties. I haven't even failed one assessment because how much I study and understand a lot of the material and critically think during exams
The problem is... how could I even implement my knowledge if I freeze and lose my train of thought. I get nervous. I get insecure. This is eating me up.. Thank goodness they didn't call on me because I would have embarrassed myself in front of my entire class. Another girl in my class volunteered and did 100x better than I would have. No stuttering, calm, understanding, patient.. just perfect.