Hi it’s Shnookie. I wrote a prior post about starting a new job as part-time
admin asst. what I was ashamed to write
about was my poor hygiene and lack of
self-care which is connected to ADHD.
My boss and job developer brought up these issues today. I started
psych based disability in 12/2019 and it’s ending this week. So when I was offered this job I thought 15 hour week not a lot of money but cash flow coming in. I
was told to take a week off and come back on Tuesday. Six days should give me enough time to start my hygiene regimen. I probably in some ways should not be working, but I have no choice. At least I have a shrink, a social worker, this group and I talked to the people at CHADD to
look at some Webinars. I’m just trying which is very diffficult to break things
Down thru cognitive therapy. It’s draining but I must do this
Virtual hugs 🤗 to everyone