Ive been thinking alot about something lately.... I feel if I dont talk about it it is going to damage me.
A while ago ago I met some people, a family of 4, who called me 'family' and actually said you are like a real 'son' and 'brother' and 'we love you' just stopped talking to me. It started out of the blue after meeting together at a new group I was attending. They asked me about me and me about them and we clicked. After a couple of months of attending twice a week and talking before and after I invited them round. Up to that point of meeting them I had been very lonely and had no friends or family. They knew this and wanted to be there for me and me for them. We were really close. The family consisted of mum, dad and son and daughter of a similar age to me but slightly younger.
Me and the daughter suffer alot mentally and we understood one another alot. The mother too had an understanding of mental health too and was really caring. This is especially because the son who I hadnt yet met suffered with paranoid schizophrenia. On the day I invited them they just said unprompted 'we want you to consider us as family from now on'. (Im fairly unassuming and had to push myself to invite them but I am willing to take risks at times even though I can get really nervous). I was so taken back by their kindness and warmness I remember feeling a little disorientated. They were so happy too because even though they are a family they felt noone understood them. They felt alone as a family if you know what I mean. We had been close for about 6 months after that. We had really bonded over shared interests and understanding of one another. They used to tell me they loved me alot and reach out to me.
I never knew what a family was like though because I was brought up with alot of abuse and neglect so I was learning how to be. It felt so painful to be close to them as I was so scared of being hurt or doing something that would leave me feeling Im a failure. I was very anxious and shy. I was in therapy at the time and my therapist told me its part of my development to learn to trust and be vulnerable. It was really scary but at the same time I did trust them too. They really tried with me and wanted me to know I mattered i.e. ringing me, inviting me over and just paying an interest in me. And I was there for them too. I would just listen to them at times as they wanted to share how they struggled too and they liked that I cared about them.
Because of my past and lack of experience I always felt I wasnt a good 'family member' though and fell short in some way and I wanted to do it the best I could. So I really tried to learn how. I remember pushing myself to tell them that I loved them. And I also pushed myself to be an individual too and would stand up for myself in ways that normal human beings do. For instance, although the daughter was really loving and sincere she was very socially immature. She would just talk loads lol. I told her really lovingly and kindly that I can get a little overwhelmed at times and just need a little time to think through things she says before we move on to the next subject. To tell her this took enormous courage. I am not used to being close to women. I had none around me growing up and always felt worthless to women and unworthy of being able to express myself fully. I felt so low confidence. My therapist encouraged me to push myself to express how I feel in conversations and she was right to do this. I felt really manipulated by fear of consequences/abandonment if I speak up but I knew it wasnt right to just go along with things I'm uncomfortable with either. So I slowly opened up. It was really hard as I wasnt used to it. My friend cried (she was very sensitive, which is also why it was hard to say how I feel. I didnt want to hurt her). I reassured her that 'its ok and I have alot to learn about how to be too, and we can work it out together'. She calmed down lots, told me she loves me and feels safe with me and we left it.
This happened in the last 2 weeks of our contact and the resulting panic at what I just did overwhelmed me though. I felt guilty at expressing myself, guilty at making her cry (even though she had calmed down). I was shaking and couldnt forgive myself. I disobeyed all the parts of me that told me Im not allowed to express myself and I had a sort of mental breakdown. I did my absolute best to grow as a person by expressing myself and I felt lots of emotional and mental turmoil because of it. I felt worthless and sad and in deep pain. Its so hard to describe. I felt like all my wires had been cut and were getting rewired. I utterly collapsed. I rang her up in tears not being able to breathe as I genuinely didnt know if I had just damaged her. It may sound dramatic but it was so ingrained in me from when I was small that there would be consequences if I speak up. And I felt like I must have done something awful and hurtful. I was so confused. She told me she was ok and reassured me but I couldnt forgive myself.
I felt so bad for what Id done I feared I would be avoided forever by them. I couldnt compute in my mind how anyone could love me after I did what I did. I couldnt think of any reason I was loveable at all and I couldnt be reassured. The only way I could understand that anyone was close to me was because I must have done something to manipulate them. I know it sounds strange - but I couldnt compute I was worthy of genuine love so the idea I was a manipulative person was the only way I could understand why they were there at all. I began to feel guilty for what Id done too to make these people manipulated (just bare in mind I had no experience of being close to anyone face to face like this at all, so it was difficult to understand how I could be worthy of it). Just from one action of expressing myself in a way I felt I was 'not allowed' triggered lots and lots of guilt about who I was. It had a knock on effect to me doubting my worth and actions in every possible way I could think of. As I said, it was like a mini mental breakdown. The daughter tried to reassure me she wanted to be there but I felt so bad it was like nothing was going in.
(One good thing about this is that in retrospect I see I did nothing wrong in expressing myself and neither did she. I also know she was always genuine too. I just needed space to work it out.)
I told them 'You dont have to talk to me'. From then one I perceived everything they didnt do as avoidance and everything they did do in showing me attention as like they were just placating me. I felt so mentally and emotionally poorly and know in those two weeks I processed everything all wrong. And when they got in touch I genuinely felt so unworthy. I told the girl I felt she didnt really love me and I was manipulating them. She really tried to reassure me and was upset and surprised where it all came from. I didnt even know where it came from. I was a mess. Its only in retrospect I understand now. I sent a series of texts saying that 'I know you dont want to spend time with me' etc. This latter part where I expressed my insecurities happened twice really - Wednesday and then Friday. (The rest of the two weeks I held it in and didnt say anything). So about 4 days. I admit it, I distrusted them. I distrusted myself. I didnt know how to control it really. I felt so so so confused.
I got a phone call on the Saturday from the girl. I ignored it the first time. I felt embarrassed really by how pathetic I felt. I answered it in time as I knew it wasnt good how Id become and deep down I trusted her too even though I was poorly for that short time. She told me that she felt I was projecting insecurities on to her that came from 'seeing her more than a friend'. She told me that because of this she felt I needed space and didnt want me to contact her. I accepted her decision. I was vulnerable and didnt know how to explain myself (in the past too we had talked about having some attraction to one another too and agreed we want to be friends. I assured her all the time that friendship was what I always wanted anyway as Im not ready for more and I knew she wasnt either. I also told her shes my friend and sister. I didnt know if she would be someone I would be with but I didnt want to think that way. She would tell me over the course of our friendship that 'one day I think we will get married'. We had a good bond but I always told her not to think too far ahead and whatever happens I will be her friend. It may sound odd to many people but I can be attracted to a woman and still keep a relationship as a friendship. I know how to do that). But anyway after all my insecurities she decided that I had become insecure in those few days because of attraction even though I had never been that way for all the time I known them. I accepted her view. I didnt really understand myself at the time so didnt really have any way of defending myself so her idea was as good as any. I was really vulnerable.
I took a couple of days to think and then I realised and understood where all my insecurities came from - from pushing myself, expressing myself and that triggering shame and feelings of being so unworthy of love -I texted her mum, apologised and explained it all. It took alot of meditation to understand how my behaviour changed so much but I really wanted to understand. Once I understood I gave a full explanation. I told her mum that yes I had been attracted to her daughter but that wasnt the issue at all. But I said if she still doesn't want to be in touch its ok as I think I need a little space to calm down anyway. In fact I asked for a little space and told them I loved them. I got a response from her mum saying 'my daughter doesn't want a boyfriend. I wish you all the best'. Or something like that. I was confused and hurt and didnt understand why she was saying that. So, I thought about it and realised she maybe thought I was always chasing her daughter all along for the 6 months we had been close so I asked 'Do you doubt my motives why I've been close to you?'. She took a while and said 'Its not you, its your mental illness' implying that she believes my motives were selfish but I just didnt know because I'm so messed up basically. I was so hurt. I got in touch saying that she had hurt me by believing that when that was the last thing on my mind. I told her I genuinely always cared about them all regardless of if a relationship resulted from our friendship or not. I cared about them for them, not for what I could get from them. And that was her last message and I havent heard from them since - 6 months ago.
I sent the daughter a letter sincerely apologising after 2 weeks of virtually no sleep (beating myself up and writing and rewriting this letter). I said I got insecure and it was because of my own issues I was that way, not her. I said I didnt need a response because I know she's uncomfortable with me but I'm sorry. I genuinely meant it. They havent been in touch since π.
It really hurts because I trusted them and it hurts not to be trusted back.
I got needy in those few days but surely when someone is loved they are worth trying to understand? We work through problems together dont we? I'm just really confused and hurt. But on the other hand I'm trying to understand it from their point of view too. I know that needy people are often damaged and may need love thats all. Sometimes some distance for me is healthy too, but not completely. 6 months of no contact just seems too much and makes me feel like I've been judged as an awful person. But maybe they dont understand all this and how people can at times be damaged. I'm so torn. I feel on the one hand it is harsh and really unkind and on the other hand they may not be able to understand it any other way than defining me as a toxic person. But aren't loved ones worth fighting for and understanding? Or is it a female thing? If a girl was needy with me I wouldnt hold it against her but if a guy does it to a girl is it different? Might they be more inclined to get scared and reserved? I'm just confused. This was so out of character for me. After 6 months I had never behaved that way. It is their choice and I honestly do respect it but its so hard for me not to feel awful inside and worthless. Maybe it comes from years of being ignored by my own mum. I feel very sad. I still love them alot and would be there for them in a heartbeat if they needed me to be but thats my personality anyway. It all just makes me very sad. Maybe its all just one big misunderstanding? π₯Ίπ π π’ I think also Im confused because I feel like a failure because I wonder if I deserve this treatment? π