So. I cut my hair off. I looked in th... - Anxiety and Depre...

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So. I cut my hair off. I looked in the mirror and I.

ā€¢69 Replies

As always I looked in the mirror and saw yuck me. Bangs and all. I cut. All off my hair is gone. I saw roots to ends broken hair. Not split ends. I saw broken hair. I saw it as a symbol of me. šŸ˜”

69 Replies

Hi and welcome to this supportive group!

I'm sorry you feel ugly. True beauty comes from what's inside.

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People keep saying that. But appearance is an outside image. If you take a picture it is an image of attraction or not. The inside means nothing. Lol.

Thx Minnie.

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You're welcome, hon!

You are correct that physical appearance is outward...but, have you ever thought of there being an inner appearance too?

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I like inside. Others donā€™t like my inside or outside. I dont like outside.

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Have others told you that they don't like what's inside? I ask because I'm thinking about a CBT exercise I've learned in which we look for the evidence. If others have not blatantly told you that you are ugly on the inside, that means that you are telling yourself these things. It is easy to do unfortunately. If it was easy there wouldn't be an exercise for it. Do you see a therapist?

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Hey Minnie. Thanks for reply.

I was always like this. My whole life. When I look in mirror I see ugly.

Iā€™ve done charity and I genuinely care for other.

I do notice lately Iā€™m angry. I should bring it all to surface.

Mostly it is the reflection I see.

Growing up my gfs were always the lookers. If I liked a guy. The guy liked my friend.

Iā€™ve had girls tell me Iā€™m ugly. Iā€™ve had men tell me Iā€™m I got or fat or skinny.

Yes. People are cruel. But some people dot care what others see cause they see beauty.

I have not Not seen beauty.

I for years have been tryna grow hair. It was so broken from hair extensions and bleach.

I grabbed scissors and impulsively cut my hair off. Strange 80 s style bands and short hair. I cut most off the broken hair. It had no split ends. It was broken. I swear it meant I am broken. So I cut it all off. Iā€™m more unattractive. Lol.

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I'm sorry.

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Me too hahaha. But I watched videos on YouTube. Many people cut their hair like strange and laugh about it.

Sometimes I feel like I look boyish. Iā€™m girl for sure.

Just not happy with outer shell. I am grateful to walk and stuff. I notice I canā€™t look in mirrors. I always had friends taking pictures of themselves and each other. Some friends I had didnā€™t even want me in their profile Facebook picture. Lol.

Freakinout3 profile image
Freakinout3 in reply to

Your inner being manifests in your outward appearance.. but inner ugliness will eventually destroy your outward appearance... Because we all start out young and attractive... It's only when ugliness and hate manifests your soul does your body start to rot outwardly

in reply to Freakinout3

Iā€™ve been this way as a child and since a child.

in reply to Freakinout3

How do people fix that

in reply to Freakinout3

How to fix inner being? So as a child I was inner ugly. Lol. I guess.

Freakinout3 profile image
Freakinout3 in reply to

Ugly ducklings turn into beautiful swans... Catipillars turn into colorful butterflies... Sometimes beautiful children end up Haggard and beaten

in reply to Freakinout3

Oh I get it. I should make sure my soul is beautiful. And be patient. Until itā€™s my time. Cool thx guys. I get it.

in reply to Freakinout3

I definitely was only pretty once in my youth. But I was always unattractive. My whole life unattractive

Freakinout3 profile image
Freakinout3 in reply to

I'm not sure but your spiritual energy decides to make you ugly or to make you beautiful... It can oscillate back and forth your whole life depending on life circumstances

in reply to Freakinout3

Maybe I need to surrender to the energy. And not be superficial. Maybe thatā€™s my life lesson. Horrible oh god. Loll.

Hmm. Maybe my soul is just not happy.

Freakinout3 profile image
Freakinout3 in reply to

Good idea

in reply to Freakinout3

How can I fix this annoying self of me? What you think ? Thx guys. For replying

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Perhaps you can make a list of things that you like about yourself.

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Nothing physical. It must be something bigger. Cause I know I hear about girls that are not said to be pretty. But they think they so pretty. They even think they prettier than others.

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I wouldn't worry about the physical. What do you like about who you are?

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Thoughtful. Remember others.

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I missed this reply somehow. NicešŸ‘

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Nice one! Anything else?

Can I ask how old you are? We tend to be more focused on the petty when younger...

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36 lol. I just canā€™t seem to shake this issue. I cut all my hair off in impulse of irritation

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Oh, crap... sorry, that just came out.

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Itā€™s true. But to me itā€™s my world. People treat pretty people different. I seen it my whole life.

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I donā€™t mean relationships. I mean in general. Like jobs. Store clerks. Etc.

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I'm sorry, but those were honestly the first two words that entered my mind.

I'm sincerely sorry that this is your world. You shouldn't need to be used to it. Can you hang out with people who don't focus on the petty and are more mature? We are immature as kids, but normally grow out of that as adults...

You deserve to feel good about yourself.

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Oh. Ya. Thatā€™s true. Growing up everyone I know based everything on looks. I learned this from my peers hmm. Interesting. Thx. Believe me. This fifty yrs old is very beautiful yet mean inside. She will tell me Iā€™m not smart enough. My hair is not thick enough. I eventuality cut her off. But. Yes most people growing up weā€™re shallow. But since a kid I notice this annoying thing.

A person can think oh they are not that attractive but they donā€™t really care. Then there are people that care and try and fix it. Then there are people that are not attractive and they think they more attractive then eve try one. Canā€™t win.

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I thought as much. If we've been around a belief and have been taught something for long enough, we can start to believe it. Yeah, some people unfortunately never grow out of being petty. It's a shame.

Don't let others put you down. The only reason they do that is to try and project their own insecurities onto you. It's disgraceful to be honest.

I need to go, but it was nice talking with you. Hang in therešŸ˜Š

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HopeandFaith100 profile image
HopeandFaith100 in reply to

I did that once. It was a complete butch! When it grew back ladies I worked with liked it and some got their hair cut to look like mine. Who woulda knew?

in reply to HopeandFaith100

Awwwww amazinggggg

in reply to Freakinout3

I agree to an extent.

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Iā€™ve been this way my whole life since grade one. Never felt good enough.

Itā€™s stupid. But itā€™s consuming.

in reply to Freakinout3

I just donā€™t see how this is true what your saying. I know so many hott girls that are full of themselves and a mean to people. And man I would love to look like that. No be like that.

Freakinout3 profile image
Freakinout3 in reply to

Yep you're right... Attractive young women start out beautiful, but they become wicked... Then over time their beauty tarnishes... And the look like ugly witches

in reply to Freakinout3

Oh no. Iā€™ve always been ugly lol. Hahahaha. This is so retarded the conversation I started.

God bless you guys. Know itā€™s retarded. My poor bf. Or friends in the past. But itā€™s always annoying me

I see my reflection and I think of everything that needs fixed. Now a days flaw is what makes a model. I donā€™t know. I have so much to learn.

Freakinout3 profile image
Freakinout3 in reply to

I've met ugly girls who I thought were extremely attractive....

in reply to Freakinout3

But you still understand what ugly is. See. How it exists.

Freakinout3 profile image
Freakinout3 in reply to

You shouldn't refer to yourself as ugly... It's self demeaning

in reply to Freakinout3

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to fix. The self hate of my physical being.

Freakinout3 profile image
Freakinout3 in reply to

Start looking in the mirror, and try to find something beautiful about yourself, try to appreciate the qualities you love about yourself, leave all the ugly things and make them disappear...

in reply to Freakinout3

Honestly. I can find beauty in others just not me.

Freakinout3 profile image
Freakinout3 in reply to

Try not to focus on the physical....

in reply to Freakinout3

Ok bro. Thx. Good point.

Freakinout3 profile image
Freakinout3 in reply to

Beauty is just an illusion anyways... Anyone who decides they wanna be beautiful has that choice... Whether it's your personality, your clothes, the way you carry yourself, the way you gracefully destroy those hurting you

AnxM profile image
AnxM in reply to

Yes, most people are struck by outside beauty first. That is not to say that inner beauty ā€œmeans nothingā€ (as you put it). Do you only like people because they look beautiful? Iā€™ve struggled with the opposite problem of being seen as attractive when I was young. I felt embarrassed when people approached me and showed interest. I withdrew into myself and people said I was stuck up. But i was just insecure- I admired the confident girls, who had big personalities regardless of looks.

Donā€™t beat yourself up. There are many kinds of beauty and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Love yourself- that is the only way to be beautiful.

in reply to AnxM

Ya. I think I maybe strange. But. I always liked beauty. The outside. Lol. I donā€™t know. But. I know people can wear makeup and wigs. This is not what I mean by beauty. I mean natural.

I know that most people are average looks anyways. So they say. But to me I always think they more than average. I just canā€™t see that in me. I can see beauty in everything but not me. Itā€™s weird.

in reply to AnxM

Ya. Maybe I donā€™t know how to love myself. I take care of myself. And stuff. I cut cruel people out of my life. But I donā€™t know how to love myself ya. Hmm.

I remember my friends always treated me like their doll. They would doll me up. To look better. Guys would even choose me over them sometimes. So I guess I was acceptable looking. I just never saw myself as good. Weird. Thx for reply.

But I guess the thing your saying is being beautiful has its own Thing too

AnxM profile image
AnxM in reply to

Iā€™m saying that outer beauty alone is not enough either. And inner beauty does count.

But at the end of the day, the most important are self-acceptance and self-love. Thatā€™s what will make you happy.

goldieoldie profile image
goldieoldie in reply to

The inner beauty ,meaning what we feel in our heart,reflects on the outside too,be the best you can be and the 2 will match,hows that ?cos at the moment I dont feel worthy of what my appearance is about,,,,,,,,,,,hairwise., !!šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‡

Freakinout3 profile image

I keep my hair moderately long and stylish.... Every once in a while I trim my own hair just to shape it and cut off the dry ends.... I will not let anyone touch my hair, especially my sister who gives me an unstylish crewcut just to hurt me deeply.. I say cut a few inches, and she takes it all off.... I know she does this in spite... A very Evil woman... The Bible was right about Samson... A man's strength lies in the length of his hair... And it defines freedom..

in reply to Freakinout3

Scary sister.

Freakinout3 profile image
Freakinout3 in reply to

My sister took the side of the Oppressor

in reply to Freakinout3

Ohh. Donā€™t let her be put in a place where she can be trusted to prevent future annoyances

Freakinout3 profile image
Freakinout3 in reply to

She won't come close, she fears me because of all the pain she caused me.... She's a bully

in reply to Freakinout3

I do t like bullies. My brother growing up was a con artist. He was always trying to throw me under the bus. Every chance he got. He got the cut from me recently. I realized. I donā€™t need people like that in my life.

goldieoldie profile image
goldieoldie in reply to

ABsolutely Not!horrible creature.

Mrspjsmom profile image

I'm sorry you feel so broken. I'm quite sure you are beautiful inside and out. Hair grows back and I use mine as one small way to pamper myself. I love using deep conditioning treatments and styling it in different ways. I often hate what I see in the mirror too. And I have always put others first. Perhaps that is why I use my hair to pamper myself. Just a thought for the future when you feel ready. HUGS and BLESSINGS!

in reply to Mrspjsmom

Thank you.

Mrspjsmom profile image
Mrspjsmom in reply to

I hope I helped a bit.

in reply to Mrspjsmom

You did. Thank you. I turned my bad hair cut and reinvented my style. You guys are so amazing.

I really like how aboriginals believe that when a loved one dies. they cut their hair off. And the new growth is the new beginning

goldieoldie profile image
goldieoldie in reply to

Sounds good to me,Im heading for a new beginning,and have never had my hair as long ---its always been short-----Im getting on too in age -----so im still wanting it short,though not scalped------------mixed feelings....

in reply to goldieoldie

I will grow mines back out lol. But I did my best with the situation. It was very aggressive feelings before period. Lol.

My hair was disgusting. It was broken from bleach lol.

in reply to Mrspjsmom

Have a good šŸ˜Œ day mrspjsmom

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