You are not alone! : You are not alone... - Anxiety and Depre...

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You are not alone!

35 Replies

You are not alone! ❤️Remember whatever you are going through, you are not alone! Since the whole pandemic started I am witnessing some things in particular: people are feeling disconnected and lonely more than ever before. Disconnected from themselves and lonely because they feel like they’re the only one suffering. Their suffering in silence which breaks my heart! 😢💔

The world is upside down. We are dealing with way more stress, anxiety and uncertainty than ever before. No wonder we feel exhausted, drained, hopeless and scared. But remember this: literally the whole world is suffering. You are not alone ❤️! Although this my not help you right now, it’s good to know you aren’t!

Remember you are also energetically carrying the pain of the world around with you. No wonder you are feeling like this! I want you to remember today that you are love and that you are loved by so many. Your loved ones are here to help and support you. Reach out to a friend, family member, a doctor, your pet or your angels for support. Ask for help! You don’t have to carry your sadness and pain alone. ❤️

Remember your loved ones in heaven today. What advise would they give you? I am sure they would give you a big hug if they could to make you feel better. Talk to them! They can still hear you and send you sings. Ask for it! Receive it! ❤️

So today, I want you to give yourself a big hug and be compassionate towards yourself. It really is a difficult time for each and everyone of us and so, you too, are feeling this. Be more kinder, more compassionate, more loving and more forgiving.

BE more YOU! ❤️

Leave me a ❤️ if you hear me!

Comment below or reach out! ❤️👇💌

35 Replies
Starrlight profile image


Starrlight profile image

I’m so stressed out. My son and I are fighting when I’m trying to help him with online education. I’m so sad. I feel alone in it. And mostly I’m worried about him. He hates school. He’s in third grade

in reply to Starrlight

I am so sorry to hear that. I can’t even imagine how stressful this must be. Maybe find out the reason why he hates school? 😌 I know this must be so difficult. Especially to keep motivating him. I wish I could be of any help. 🧡

anon2508 profile image

beautiful words ! god bless 💚

Anxout profile image


So wonderful of you to put out such lovely hope into the world at a time when hope is hard to come by. At times like these I rely on my family to keep me focused. If I was processing the loss of a family member at this time, it would make this so much more challenging. It is helpful to be reminded that we are not alone and even though we are not able to be with our loved ones who have passed, it does not mean that they are still not here in spirit.

ashlynn8 profile image

i wanna give YOU a hug. i needed to hear this today. thank you ❤️

in reply to ashlynn8

Yeahiii !!! Giving you a big hug back! 🤗❤️

Kamp2020 profile image

Thank you for this message I'm sitting alone at the hospital waiting for my husband to have vascular surgery. Normally our son would be here with me but because of the pandemic only one person is allowed.

in reply to Kamp2020

Sending prayers 🙏 that all goes well.

kleelibby profile image
kleelibby in reply to Kamp2020


in reply to Kamp2020

Wishing you lots of strength and sending prayers to your husband. Is he ok? ❤️

Kamp2020 profile image
Kamp2020 in reply to

He is still in surgery

in reply to Kamp2020

I will keep praying! Hope your doing ok! You must be exhausted 😌. Please remember to take good cate of yourself. Drink plenty of water and don’t forget to eat. Sending you lots of love and support! ❤️❤️❤️

❤️ I believe in love and in the power of prayer. Lovely post. 👍❤️

in reply to

Thank you 🙏. Yes praying definitely helps. 😊

purplepower82 profile image

I am a VERY compassionate person and usually put others feelings first. I am going through a lot in my personal life right now. The 2 people I had that I could confide in made comments that I am a lot to deal with. All I ever asked from them was to listen. One is a family member whom I have been there for her for everything, even saving her from losing her house years ago. The second is my best friend who alcohol issues and I have gone above and beyond for her, even talking to her sons to let her live with them and I drove her 6 hours away and had to get a hotel for the night. I would do it all again too. Before I talk to them, usually on messenger, I ask them if it's ok to vent to them. If they said no, I wouldn't. To hear that I am too much to deal with sometimes from these 2 people has really hurt. I always thanked them and said I hope I am not a bother. They always said it was fine. Now they ask me how I am doing and I say "fine". I don't tell them about anything and keep the conversations short so I don't say anything by mistake. I have never felt so alone. I honestly have no one.

244624 profile image
244624 in reply to purplepower82

Hello, Dont feel alone please, you have a wonderful community here ,each needing to share vent support whatever ,it is I believe one if the toughest things to face when those you give the most to aren't there for you,when my husband dropped dead in 2015 I discovered my supports came from unexpected people and not from the ones I expected would rally around, its a strange world,,,,I found writing in forums a great release and support at that time ,sharing with strangers has I believe hugh benefits, people here have no background on each other they take one another on face value which I find refreshing and if I need to share something or vent or whatever I never hesitate touching base with these wonderful communities,so keep talking to us and remember what a kind caring person you have been towards these people ,unfortunately there are givers and takers in this world but be proud and love yourself for being the giver ,hope your day gets brighter remember you are your number one 💜

purplepower82 profile image
purplepower82 in reply to 244624

Thank you so much :)

in reply to 244624

I love what you wrote: Remember you are number one 😊. Thanks for sharing this! ❤️

in reply to purplepower82

I am so sorry you are going through this. This is a lot. Especially when people don’t have the capacity to hold the space for you but in return you are always there for them.

I used to be a giver and people pleaser until I learned to say no. It’s still chanlleining especially with family members. I usually end up being burned out or exhausted when I do too much for others instead of putting myself first. I can’t stress enough how important it is to put yourself first and learning to say no.

You can’t drink from an empty cup, can you? Start putting yourself first above everyone else and check in if you can really give to someone or if you already feel drained and exhausted. Then take care of your own needs first. 😌 I really hope that helps. ❤️

purplepower82 profile image
purplepower82 in reply to

Thank you so much <3

244624 profile image
244624 in reply to purplepower82

Hello again ,hope you are doing OK now, its a lovely sunny day here in ireland and im soaking up the warmth to sooth my spirit and help the healing ,deep breaths feel your lovely heart and use the good stuff to calm and remind yourself you are special and try and surround yourself with gentleness and kindness ,be serene and don't feel selfish for putting your needs first, sending you hope and light that you will find those who are willing to support you as you do for others,take care take it easy remember You have what it takes !!

purplepower82 profile image
purplepower82 in reply to 244624

Hi from Florida :) I would LOVE to visit Ireland one day! So pretty. I am doing ok. Having some depression issues because I have a birthday coming up and my daughter (my only child and I am divorced) has been estranged from me for almost 2 years, and all I want for my birthday (or any day!) is to have her back in my life and to hear her say that she loves me. I don't believe that will ever happen. She has always been my greatest love and my world. I wanted to spend more time with her than she was willing to give :( . I was dealing with empty nest syndrome and the loss of my mom. She lives in town, but I haven't even caught a glimpse of her at the store or anything. My sister has seen her twice and tried to talk to her, but she won't talk to my sister. My family assured me that I did nothing to deserve something this cruel. She is engaged and getting married at the beginning of 2022. She told someone my sister knows that me, her dad and my family are not invited to it. This has crushed me. We used to talk about what she wanted when she got married and she was going to do all these special things with me and I would walk her down the aisle. I was even going to buy her dress. I pray to God that we are back together before then. Not seeing her get married would devastate me. My heart is broken. (sorry for going on and on. I needed to vent. I am missing her really bad today </3 Thank you for checking on me. HUGS!

in reply to purplepower82

I am so really sorry your are going through this. My heart goes out to you. What came to my mind is maybe the guy she is marrying has something to do with she is behaving that way? Something must have happened. I know this must be so heartbreaking. Especially if you were doing great. Must be hard when your kids leave the nest 😢. So sorry. ❤️

DENVAL profile image


kleelibby profile image

Love your post, needed to hear your words today♥️

in reply to kleelibby

Yes!!! 😊 You’re welcome! I know I wasn’t the only one needing to hear this 😊. We are all in the same boat when it comes to pandemic situation 😌. ❤️

Dahearn profile image

❤️ Thank you for your post, I needed it.

in reply to Dahearn


244624 profile image

Thanks for your eloquent wirds❤❤so true we need extra love for ourselves at this time the gentleness that we care for others with should also envelope our hearts and let us befriend the wonderful people we are ,it has given me a real sense of calm and true serenity the discovery of the person I am and the light inside me that is guiding my thoughts positively through these tough times,im doing my best to share that light with the special people around me as they share theirs with me as they come to realise how special they are too,we can share the light and brighten our worlds and we will be stronger more caring people when the new normal arrives .virtual hugs to all

in reply to 244624


very well are spot on.we are not alone even sometimes we feel otherwise especially when we feel so low and fearfull.The only thing that makes me a bit better when i am in my lowest is to think that there is no way but up.There is no permanent in this world everything is changing .even if we feel like this today or tomorrow it will surely change for the better.

in reply to

Beautifully said ❤️👍!

I really appreciate your post, thank you so much for what you wrote!!!❤️

in reply to

You are so welcome. I really appreciate your encouragement. 😊🥰

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