Hi all. I’ve been a member for quite awhile now but haven’t been posting. I have had anxiety and depression for at least 35 years. I’ve taken all kinds of antidepressants and finally found one that worked for me for the last 5 years but it had stopped working. The dosage was increased last year which helped somewhat but no longer. I can’t describe how badly I feel. I want to jump out of my skin. I’m so deeply sad. And so angry! I really can’t stand it. I wish I could calm down tonight. I have no one to talk to and I just want to sleep.
Extreme anxiety : Hi all. I’ve been a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Extreme anxiety

My antidepressant worked a million times better once I started taking levothyroxine for my thyroid. Before you give up I would definitely insist that you try something for your thyroid. The thyroid makes everything move in your body. The basic tests that they do for the thyroid will be inadequate

I do take it as I had a thyroidectomy 3 years ago.
That is the most frustrating, gut wrenching thing. When something that’s been working just stops. There a depth to it when it happens. I have no answers. I’m trying to find my new method of existing too. It’s beyond hard to go through this. I hope you can find something to bring a bit of peace tonight.
Hand you tried essential oils? Like lemon grass Or eucalyptus sprays I like to to put on my pillows to help .
I am so sorry you are struggling. Thanks for reaching out. I am sorry to hear the medication has stopped working, even with the increase. I have found as I get older, my body changes and my medication has to be adjusted a few times. Besides medication do you know what else has worked for you in the past with your anxiety. Medication helps with balance, but our thoughts still affect us. What we think is what we believe. I have found three things that work for me to bring peace to my life.
One is prayer, letting go of the control, and giving it to God. I have found when I orally say, Lord I let go of this anxiety and depression, I no longer want to struggle with it. I am declaring that out loud to myself and it really helps. I have found what you say to yourself is what you believe, so I want to say things that will bring me peace.
Second, I take all anxious thoughts and put them on a cloud.. I visualize those thoughts leaving my brain and actually floating off on a cloud and away from me. Thirdly, I do deep cleansing breaths... as soon as I feel even a little anxious, I stop what I am doing and take 5 deep breaths in breathing in peace and contentment, then I hold those breaths for the count of 5, then I let out the breath slowly for the count of 7, with the breaths I let go of all the anxious feeling and thoughts. If needed I will repeat this cycle two more times. Three seems to be the magic number in doing the 5-5-7 deep cleansing breath technique.
Are you in counseling for your anxiety? There is usually a root to anxiety. Something we are holding on to from the past that we are not forgiving or letting go of. I found for me there were many things I was doing that was adding to my anxiety. Anxiety disorder is a real disease, but it is not who we are and doesn't have to stay in our lives. I had to let go of being a perfectionist, accepting when I need breaks in my life, and stop setting unrealistic expectations for myself and others. I will keep you in my prayers and if you ever want to chat feel free to pm me. Hugs and God Bless