My head is burning and im shaking my heart is thumping like crazy I'm freaking out im scared I don't wanna die
I'm freaking out : My head is burning... - Anxiety and Depre...
I'm freaking out

I’m sorry you’re feeling this!! 💞💜What do you think is causing it? I know I seem to be having anxiety myself right now & trying to calm it down!! This life can just be soo hard!! I’m trying to find even little things to see positive light and peace and praying for it!!!
I don't know I'm just scared I want this to go away
I get it!! You’re not alone!! Does it help if you talk about it? Or what might be triggering it for you??
I have no idea what triggered me. I was fine in the shower and it hit me like a sack of heavy rocks. I'm still shaking line crazy and my legs feel sore and like they're giving out.
That’s rough🤣🦋🌻 -have you had this feeling before &is there anything that has helped you feel better before?? Are you eating properly, getting good rest?
Sometimes what helps me is to talk about what’s bothering me. Even if it’s sometimes only to pray to pour out my thoughts and feeling and cry. But even on here you can write out what’s bothering you!Also to have something healthy to eat - I know stress can deplete b vitamins which help mood! Some foods are richer in certain nutrients and b vitamins so that can possibly help!
Yes it's rough. I'm sweating like crazy and my chest hurts. I keep getting waves of anxiety. My heart rate keeps going up and down. Thankyou I've been crying and pleading god to take it away. My mind just keeps thinking what if and what if I die
That’s awful!! But it’s great you’re praying and you’re on here and I was able to come here after praying👏🏼👏🏼 & hopefully be of some comfort or help in even a small way!!!💞💞💞🌻🌻
Why do you think you’re sweating soo much or chest is hurting?? Is it from the air quality or a cold?? Or do you think it’s emotional pain and the anxiety is causing it?
I don't know why I feel this way I'm just scared
Well can you take some deep calming breathes - breathe in for 4 and out for 5 or so secs.. and repeat a few times if you’re having a lot of anxiety it may help calm you?
Take very deep breaths, hold for a couple of seconds then slowly exhale through your mouth. Speak out where you are and what you're doing and tell yourself that you aren't doing anything different than you normally would.
I hope you can feel better & get some peace of mind- maybe try eating some calming foods maybe-like turkey or calming matcha green tea is great for some! Take good care & keep posting here -prayers for you and others here to feel much better!!🌻💜
Thankyou so much for being here with me through all of that. My body feels like I just got done working out. Im so tired now. xx I appreciate you so much
It’s soo crazy I am having bad anxiety myself now- I can’t even seem to help myself!!?? I’m crying and can’t catch my breathe and like I can’t understand what’s going on?? I do know I’m having soo much emotional pain!! 😔made mistake again of reaching out again to my mom hoping this time she might offer even a little loving care or something kind but instead I got anger and coldness?? I guess I said wrong thing somehow and I can’t think clearly enough she attacks me!
my mom gives me anxiety too. I'm sorry you're feeling bad now. I'm not feeling great either. I'm over this day already.
I’m sorry you hav that too with your mom!! It just hurts soo much cause I want to trust her but I just can’t & irs like a roller coaster never know when it’s ok to talk or confide or not even be near her at all or I’ll get burned badly😔😢
I understand that.. my grandma raised me and she passed away so I've been trying to get a relationship with my mom.. I just feel like we don't click and she doesn't love me. We relate in many ways. xx I'm so sorry you feel this way. I'm here to listen.
Thank you!! I loved my grandmother soo much she also took care of me a lot when I was young but has passed away as well!! She was soo fun and I miss her love and care very much!! I do relate to you on that as well about my mom we do not click well at all most of the time either& it’s difficult believeing she does truly love me!?
Wow! How crazy is that. I'm sorry for your loss
I know I’m her own way she has love for me but it’s difficult I guess for her to show me?? She seems to want to tear me down a lot or blame me or guilt me over things and I don’t know if it’s what she watches or reads or maybe medication she takes makes it worse?? Anyway I have to remember it’s not my fault and I don’t have to go along or believe the nasty mean messages &things she tells me! I have a right to protect my heart and feelings from her- she chooses to be unhealthy that it doesn’t have to define me! I would just like more peace though between us I guess I’ll just keep praying somehow we can have it!
Hey how are u now?

I'm a little calm.. I'm just shaken up and a little bit anxious from all those feelings.
it’s just anxiety ❤️ nothing is wrong with you.
did anything trigger it?

I don't know I'm pretty stressed out and scared over life in general. It's scary to me. I think that may be what triggered it. Plus I was anxious all night waking up in panic because my daughter stayed at my aunt's house last night so I could get some rest.
I get what you’re feeling, is definitely hard, but please have faith you will get better, don’t worry now just deep breaths through your stomach and think about your favorite thing to do, after a panic attack I watch white chicks because it makes me laugh
Thankyou.. I'm looking for something to watch on Netflix but nothing really grabs my attention. That is a funny movie. Have you had a panic attack last a while? And kind of get waves of anxiety throughout the day after an attack?
Yes I had panic attacks that last a while and then when I’m feeling normal again they come back, that’s when I take my lorezepam I try not to use it that much bc then the effect fades, i only use it when I can’t handle my panic anymore
I took a lorazepam earlier because I felt like I was about to lose it. I was freaking out the worst I have in a very long time and it wouldn't go away.
Same, I don’t know why it happens
Then I get anxiety because of how scary the attack was. They are seriously traumatizing.
Anxiety will leave you with the fear of feeling it again, a lot of times after the attack it's not what caused it that worries us that much anymore, it's the worry of feeling anxiety again. I just try to shake it off as best I can, I try to focus on what I'm doing or make myself busy. Everytime I catch myself thinking about anxiety, I force myself to think of something else and literally speak out loud things that I like to do, things that make me feel like myself.