How do you ever learn to accept yourself? I am in a constant state of self hatred and I am never happy with the way I am or the way I look. I have struggled with an eating disorder (both sides) and I’m just so lost. I can never seem to get my life in order. I just want to be able to tolerate myself but it seems more and more pointless every day. Please send your guidance.
How can I ever accept myself? - Anxiety and Depre...
How can I ever accept myself?

I’m the exact same! I try and read self help books as they give a sense of hope especially the ones Matt haig writes. He’s an amazing author. I also try get some exercise and try and accept the things u can’t change and the things that u can then make small steps to change them x
What has caused you to have such low self-esteem? Your childhood? Parents? Friends? Something started it all and now it's spiraling out of control. Same with an eating disorder. Some people believe they are ugly not just in the face but their body image also and more times than not, it's not true. Try covering your mirrors for a month! It's not pointless at all, we just have to work on your self-image and get to the bottom of what started it all! You are not alone and we will help you through this. And I can bet that you are just fine the way you are physically! What we see is not what others see.
I can feel you due to this I also gets irritated easily
I know exactly what you are going through. I have the same issues. I don't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. No matter what clothes, makeup, jewelry, haircut, etc., I still feel unattractive. I used to feel like I'm an attractive person, but that was always when I was either drinking, or I was going through my manic episode's. I've quit drinking and none of the medication is working at all. I'm currently severely depressed. I don't have any answers, but I understand your frustrations. Just know that it's not you, it's the disease.
I think that EVERYONE is amazing, you are enough and i know trust me you've probably heard it all before and for the longest time i thought people were just telling me im enough to shut me up... But that is NOT AT ALL the case. I dont know you, but i understand some aspects of what it feels like to have no self worth. What always helps me is talking about it and for the longest time i felt inside i had no one to talk to but you do! I promise you please do not give up. Never ever let the hate you feel towards yourself led you to do something impulsive and something really bad. I am here for you and I'll help you if you want! We can help each other! you can message me anytime. I dont care if you think your a burren please do your not i want to help you and the first step to getting help is realizing you don't want to feel like this anymore, and i know its scary sometimes you may think "okay well what if i get help and i become happy and then something really bad happens and it just gets worse" I think that way sometimes well a lot of the time. But im now getting a lot of help and you can too, we can find you resources or maybe you just need a friend to talk to, we can be friends. I would truly love to help you if you'll let me. You ARE enough, your beautiful, strong, brave and much more and you have to think like this, if you can just get through this and fix yourself, then you can help others that once felt the way you do. And its hard no one said it's gonna be easy but i believe you can do it because you weren't given this life to just throw it away you gotta make it mean something, but YOU mean something. <3
I used to struggle with disordered eating and can sometimes still have my moments of doubting myself and who I was created to be. I'm so sorry that this is something you struggle with, as I know it can feel like a lonely place at times. For me, I found that talking to my friends and a counselor was so helpful. It was helpful for me to say the things I felt out loud, and whenever I felt those thoughts coming on, to go to that safe person (friend, family member, counselor, mentor). The resources NEDA offers for eating disorders and mental health are great if you want to check it out. Praying for you!