Being accused of cheating when you are genuinely just on your phone laughing at peoples posts or commenting on things is the worst. Tonight I was basically told I am talking to someone else or cheating because he was on my phone and I was scared he would see that I cry to my friends about shit that go on in my life with and without him. I was scared that he would see my secret notes of me breaking down every time he says something mean to me or I’m feeling like I am not enough even for myself. So after he accused me I told him I am done fighting about this kind of stuff so I deleted my social media apps and he still got mad at me for doing that because communication can come from anywhere so I’m here looking like the bad guy for taking away factors that would make him feel some type of way but I’m being called petty for doing that. I just can’t win I can’t do anything right. Honestly when will what I do be right??? I just don’t get it when will I be good enough to trust to be loved and so happy to be with??
I’m damned if I do and damned if I do... - Anxiety and Depre...
I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t

Hey there I'm sorry you're hurting. But if this guy is making you feel like crap, putting you down and trying to control, who and what you're talking about. He's not a good guy and that's really abusive behavior. A partner is supposed to make you feel safe and comfortable being open about your feelings and supportive and encouraging. To answer you're last question you are lovable, good enough to be trusted and enough to be happy with right now. 🖤

Thank you honestly I just feel like this is what I deserve I know it doesn’t really make sense I just feel like I’m hurting so much in life because it’s what I deserve that I did something at some point in my life that I deserve to feel like shit
I feel the same way myself. But you don't deserve this. You deserve to be in a loving relationship with a good guy who will cherish and protect you and build you up. Not leave you terrorized and traumatized
Im sorry you going through this, im going to come straight to the point for your own good this is abusive and controlling no matter what you do there will always be something else for him to be nasty about it will only get worse just get out!!! X
With a controlling person like this you will never be able to do anything right no matter what you do. He will always find something to kick off about. The only way I'm afraid is getting out of this abusive relationship. Only then can you start to heal.