hi, I'm new here, thanks for reading. I'm going through a tough break up right now. I'm feeling like no one wants me around and I don't know how to deal with feeling so useless.
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I am here

Hi, welcome to this friendly forum.
It’s a big transition from being part of a couple to being single.
Fortunately you’ll have more time to take care of your self but most likely will feel like you have too much time on your hands. I left my spouse almost 6 months ago & I’m still a newbie at this but I keep getting stronger mentally from where I started
I wish you the best!❤️
I know how you feel, I struggle feeling that way myself, it's been a while for since my ex left. I I still find myself missing her and feeling worthless, sometimes. I found that getting outside and meditating helps a lot. Also talking helps me as well. With that being said my messages are always open and I'm willing to lend an ear to anyone who needs it. Irie vibrations to you, one love.

one heart. thank you.
Your not useless your probably just feeling unlovable and not enough.. Journal how you feel. Breakups suck. Allow yourself to unapologetically feel all the feelings that you are experiencing. Remind yourself that you are lovable and that you are enough every single day!
Welcome DrowUhWey, you are safe, we are here, you are not alone. xx
Well come hang out, let’s have some beers! Lol
Whoever they are, fuck em. There’s so many people in this world to worry about one
Hello DrowUhWey
You have definitely come to the right place, none of us are feeling as we should, try not to worry, you are amongst friends.
Best wishes, take care of yourself.
thank you. it's so hard to find the motivation to take care of myself
Hello DrowUhWey
Thank you for your reply, just keep writing down all that is troubling you, offload all of that unwanted stress.
Whether you post it or not, just keep writing, try and put everything into perspective eventually.
Good luck we will be thinking of you!
thank you, I will keep writing things down.
Hello DrowUhWey
Great, l used to do this then shred what l had written. It helped me finish an unhappy time in my life. Saying goodbye in other words. It got all the sadness off of my chest. Do not bottle all the sadness up.
It may not help you but it is definitely worth a try, l used to also write poetry, pretty sad stuff looking back but if it helps go for it.
Just stay calm, most important that you do not rush into anything, think very deeply before deciding on a plan of moving forward.
Spoil yourself if you can, any little treat will make you smile and remember it might bring a little joy into your life.
Good luck, take care of yourself, stay safe!
thank you, I was always taught to bottle it up so it's been a struggle feeling years of unacknowledged feelings.
I am very sorry that you have been collecting all these unhappy times.
Just let it out, like pulling the plug in your kitchen sink that is full of water. Empty out all that sadness.
Bottling up sadness, what for? Keep your happy times to bring you joy when remembering.
Good luck 😉!!!
thank you. you know, men have to be strong and provide, have to get a good job and make lots of money, men don't cry when times are hard. all of that was really pushed onto me by my peers and social media. I know now that it's unhealthy. I've started an appreciation log so i can write down one small good thing about each day.
Really brilliant!!
I know that type of brain washing, it goes beyond cruelty. Of course you can cry when you want to, male or female makes no difference, honestly.
I have found that showing your emotions helps other people understand you so very much better and appreciate what you are going through.
I love your journal of happiness, keep going, fill it up with happiness!! Happy thoughts will bring on more happy memories just like all these sad memories, move beyond them into a new happy positive you.
I wish you much joy and future happiness DrowUhWey!
thank you so much.
You are GREAT!! Tell yourself that and in time all this sadness will be behind you.
If you flipped a coin and ‘heads’ brought you sadness and ‘tales’ brought you buckets of happiness l know which one you would choose! 😉
I want to be happy it just feels like I don't deserve it
do not worry . Always remember that you are not the only one having problems. Every person in this life has problems. In order for people to love you, you must love yourself first and give it the best. Try volunteering for charities. You may improve your psyche and feel that you are giving something to others for free. You will feel good believe me. I tried it and it worked for me
We want you here among us. Need a Family you came to a great group. The same applies to all things. God sent his only Son to die for all our sins past present and future. You do not need to feel useless. You to God have a use and He loves you greatly. Talk to him and peace within your Spirit will come.
I'm going through something like that too with my husband. Don't let the bad feelings make you feel that way. You will get past the break up and people will still want you around. Don't let your ex have that power over you! Try to distract yourself with things you enjoy doing. If that doesn't work, focus on helping other people. Volunteer or just reply to other peoples post if you think you can help. You are valuable!

thank you, I will try.