How do you relax your stomach and be able to eat something substantial when feeling anxious? I feel like every time after I try to eat something I have to go use the bathroom. Also, I’ve read keeping your blood sugar up will help with anxiety. How do you keep your blood sugar up when your stomach is in a knot and you have to go use the bathroom after you eat?
Questions about anxiety: How do you... - Anxiety and Depre...
Questions about anxiety

That’s a hard one friend because I never experienced the bathroom part , have you tried exercising? To build appetite? And try thinking about getting along with going to the bathroom after you eat , what I mean is except it and hopefully the mind will stop playing tricks on the body. Good luck my friend.
When my Anxiety gets horrendously bad, it would hit my appetite. Sounds silly but I would take Atarax, an antihistamine but used for Anxiety too.
Tend to make you a little bit sleepy. I ask for 10 mg now rather than 25 mg. Feel less sleepy. But they always lift my appetite and lower my Anxiety.
My GP prescribed them for Anxiety years ago.
Hey I’ve been having this problem for a week now. I haven’t been well with strange neuro symptoms that may be anxiety related and it feels like I have a constant lump in my throat. I’ve only eaten tiny amounts all week it’s been a nightmare!
Maybe eat while watching tv or reading a newspaper or magazine to distract your mind?
Hi, i often get a sucky feeling in my tummy when im going through bad patch i find having some toast helps a little, but i suppose i sould have to say the main thing is i make myself get up and do what iv got to do and i keep busy🙂
Hi, I know what you mean. Loosing our appetites because of anxiety sucks. I’ve lost a lot of weight because of it. One thing that may help is using relaxation techniques and other anxiety coping strategies to temporarily be able to eat at least a little bit. Another thing that I’ve done before is trying to transfer the tummy ache to another part of my body for example I would substitute it by letting myself have a bigger headache or arm ache. I don’t know if it works for everyone but I don’t think it would hurt that much to give it a go. Disclaimer: I also don’t know if this is good or bad for you I’m suggesting from my own experiences. I hope everything gets better for you. Have a great day
I have the same problem at times. Munch on some club crackers, saltines. or the soup crackers and applesauce, may help. Banana or something you like that does not cause upset stomach. I drink well chilled ensure (vanilla is my fav) as a supplement. Deep breathing helps, sit in comfy chair set timer for 3-5 mins. 1. breath in through nose (inhale slowly) 2. hold a few secs 3. purse lips and (exhale slowly). Sometimes I use words on the inhale and exhale to keep my focus (such as PEACE/CALM or plain old INHALE/EXHALE. Wishing you a calm day smile and just breathe!