Hello everyone. I’m starting to have some really bad anxiety about the virus. I don’t know if I have it or not and I’m scared mainly because I don’t want to die. I know people have been recovering and doctors have a better understanding of the virus now but I’m just very scared and need reassurance.
Covid anxiety : Hello everyone. I’m... - Anxiety and Depre...
Covid anxiety

Hi the vast majority of those who have died have been a lot older than you and/or have serious health problems. Even so many of even those people have recovered.
Ok some younger people have died but the chances of you dying from it is remote and if you caught it, it would be much more common to have only mild symptoms. I'm sure you would have more chance of being in a car crash for example.
I hope you are more reassured now.
Thank you so much! My panic attacks are getting worse about it
I wonder if you suffer from health anxiety?
I’m not sure but I am experiencing some shortness of breath and I don’t know if that’s my anxiety or covid or both
I agree with retiredinFLA that it is worrying but you seem to be taking it to extremes which makes me think you could have some health anxiety.
If you are still at school why not have a chat with the counsellor?
There is so much to worry and be anxious about right now that I don’t see how anyone can not be anxious about this virus. Do the right things to take proper precautions and you “let it go” the anxiety and fear of this unknown threat. All of us on this planet are in it together. Being anxious and worrying if you have it or not doesn’t change anything so why worry? You certainly aren’t alone and that fact should provide a little comfort at least. Good luck and if it’s out of hand, discuss it with a dr or friend you trust

Florida is not the place to be at the moment if you’re anxious about virus numbers. It’s harder to address anxiety for me living here. My husband and I are in the high risk group so it’s disconcerting. But like you said, if we take proper precautions there’s not much else we can do. Take deep breaths. Live in the moment. Meditation. Etc. talking about it with friends. Thanks for your sharing.
Hi Coco11. I just joined today for anxiety about Covid and the state of our country so I certainly understand the anxiety. I hope we are both able to find comfort and peace.
A month ago, my anxiety really ramped up and I felt short of breath and worried that I had it. It turned out I didn't, but just the possible reality of it, ramped me up even more.
I'm glad we've found somewhere where we can go and talk with others who understand.
I am feeling the same way. So stressed and worried about my husband!! He’s been out working through all of this. We own 3 stores and he is amongst all of the employees and customers. I feel so anxious everyday and nothing seems to calm me down. My OCD has spiraled out of control. It’s making me crazy!😳. He does come home from work and showers and wipes his phone down. He’s on it all day long. Texting and making calls. He’s only doing it to help alleviate some of my anxiety. He thinks I’m too the extreme. I just can’t help it. I go out shopping every other week for food. I have to prepare myself mentally to do so. I come home and wipe everything down. I don’t want to continue wiping down my groceries because it makes my anxiety worse. I read it is unnecessary to do so. Everyone I talk to I ask them if they are wiping things down from the grocery stores or deliveries and they all told me they have stopped or Never did in the first place. Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks in advance
I always wiped our groceries down, too. I stopped probably a month ago but still have a need to do it if I'm not able to go thru self check out. The last time, I managed to talk myself out of needing to do so. This virus really plays havoc with anxiety. Too many unknowns.
My husband has also worked thru out this. I've been a stay at home Mom and I wonder if being home more has added anxiety onto us? Just going to the grocery store adds to the anxiety load. Perhaps if we had been getting out more often all along, our anxiety wouldn't be so heightened?
I used to be out and about all the time. Never even thought about wiping packages down etc.. This virus for sure played with my mind. I was doing very well until the virus popped up. I always came home from being in public places and would wash my hands. Even used to sanitize as soon as I got in my car. I’ve been doing all theses things for years. So why has this affected me this way?How did you get yourself to stop cleaning all of your groceries? This is my biggest anxiety about going shopping. The cleaning after coming home with it all. My husband tells me I need to get out more often so that I won’t be as stressed! I walk around my house nervous and shaky throughout the day. I get so anxious when I know my husband is coming home. It’s crazy because I’m happy to see him but afraid he’s been infected while being at work all day?? Crazy thoughts go through me head and I know they are irrational. I know they say if you wear a mask and wash you should be ok?? I even have the need to wipe down things he has touched the night before. Again, I know it doesn’t make sense?? The virus is supposed to be respiratory not on surfaces? Do you struggle with any of these things? Or does anyone else have these struggles?