One worry after another so i suffer from health anxiety these past 6 weeks has been so bad anxious 24/7 cant sleep properly and barely eating anyway last month my period was 24 day cycle then this month its 23 day cycle can all the stress and anxiety cause my periods to come now so stressed about this as my anxiety says you got something wrong with you. I just realy need help right now its all just to much stress and worry on my brain.if anyone thinks it could be causing my periods to come early plz let me a health anxiety sufferer please dont say anything worrying as i csnt deal with anymore x
Is Stress and anxiety affecting my pe... - Anxiety and Depre...
Is Stress and anxiety affecting my period

Without a doubt stress and anxiety can cause your period to show up early. Some don't realize the affect stress and anxiety has on the body; a lot of people think its only mental. But I hope you can ease a little knowing that there is nothing wrong in regards your period showing up early. I hope and pray that your anxiety gets at least some relief soon.
Thank you so much it just freaked me out as the last 2 have been early. I realy hope it gets better soon as im finding it realy difficult at the minute it started again about 6 weeks ago i was having chest pain and the need to constantly burp after 4 days i went to a+e thats how scared i was as i have a fear of hospitals and doctors incase they tell me i have something seriously wrong with me anyway they did ecg and bloods to check my heart liver and kidneys said was all fine apparently its savere acid reflux they gave meds which worked for a couple weeks then stoped working ive had the trapped burps and on and of chest ache for a few weeks now which has made my anxiety so bad thinking they have got it wrong and that i have a serious illness i just wish i could get rid of the negative thoughts and worry sorry for going on im just realy struggling right now.but thank you so much for helping to ease my mind x
I am so sorry to hear about the issues you have been having. I know from personal experience how bad acid reflux can be. Fortunately, there are different types of medicines to try, so hopefully they can find the right one for you. I don't know which they gave you, but there are others you can get over the counter. Maybe you can give other ones a try to find the one that works best for you.
Research shows stress affects the part of the brain responsible for the release of hormones that control your cycle. If you can reduce the stress, you should return to normal.
I am not usually one to recommend Dr Google but a search for "period stress" has good sensible information.
If you are seeing a health professional be sure to mention this. The topic might be a touch embarrassing but it's important to mention the affects on your body and mind.