Have you ever been in one of them moods where you don't know whats wrong but your irritated by everything and everyone.
Irritated : Have you ever been in one... - Anxiety and Depre...

Go away, I dont want to talk to you!
I know how you feel lol
In all honesty, you might be overthinking it, just concentrate on yourself and dont worry how other people see you. Its ok to be fed up and anoyed with the world, take some time to look after yourself.
Yes. I have been in those moods.
They stretch my tolerance threshhold to the limit.
Don't know of any cure.
I know exactly how you feel, I have felt this way all week! Nothing has happened in my life for me to been in this kind of mood, which I think for myself is part of the frustration. Hopefully you won't be in this mood for to long!
Hi, I been going through the same thing. Its annoying and bothersome, but relax and try to think positive, practice yoga, pray, it's okay to isolate yourself until you feel better. As long as your isolate on a positive side point, dont dwell on the negative surrounding. Block it out , even if you have to get headphones and listen to relaxing music. Then start doing yoga, jogging helps alot. Read this website
Hope it helps like it help me. And apply this methods to your daily routine. Love and stay strong
Yes! I notice that I usually end up in that mood when I get too overwhelmed. I feel like I get frustrated with myself and turn that frustration onto everyone else
Definitely! I always step back, breathe and try to start over with the thought that it's not everyone annoying me, it's me annoying those around me. Then I find myself trying harder to be sympathetic to what may be going on for the others that is causing them to have a bad day. And compliment them or comment regarding the beautiful weather. What ever the case, everyone had an annoying people day. It's just easier to transfer feelings then let them get to you and eat away at you. Today I took my family to swim at the lake and another family there with a woman that was going off about"some white bitch staring over at them wanting to start trouble. After awhile, I realized she was talking about me! Me? No, I wasn't. I was admiring their sweet little puppy and beautiful children. What a nice family they looked to be. And yet she automatically thought by me "looking her way" I wanted trouble. The beach had lots of people. I had dark sun glasses on. How could one even know for sure what I was looking at or more so, what I could be thinking! People just need to stop assuming the worst right of the bat. Not everyone is mean or has harsh intentions. Especially me with 8 of my grandchildren playing on the beach and in the water all around me. Just remember to breathe. And then you might have to, breathe again after that. 💕 Just keep in your mind, they are having a terrible day, smile and find something nice to say.
I can't believe that you were treated in such a way, I'm sorry you had to experience that. I love your outlook on it but also the sea and ocean and what was around you. It's honestly very beautiful to see! Thank you so much for your reply, It is beyond appreciated
It's not our fault we feel this way, it's an chemical imbalance in the brain, where our body is saying it need some tending too. Fruits , vegetables, fruit smoothies are great and see how much better you feel, plus always remember to drink water, visit this website someone referred me too, letgoanxietytoday.com..
I hope that helps. Stay strong, you get through it.
Thank you for the reminders and also the link to the website, i will be sure to check this out!
This was posted two months ago, i've since had good and bad days, but its always helpful to have a place to freely express what may be on your mind.
Thank you for the reply, i needed it today!
Stay strong.
Yes, many times. A small thing triggers a reaction, then another small thing irritates me some more and in the end... I am generally irritated and lose it over who-knows-what.
Sorry you too, have felt this way, its the small things that set you off and you get even more irritated that it set you off in the first place. I'm aware of when this started to happen and it mainly because i've got too much stuff on my mind to process so my go to thing would be anger of sorts.
Sometimes i find that music helps, writing helps massively but coming on here makes me feel less alone. I hope you can find similar things to help you one these days!
I hope you feel better and just remember you'll have better days coming your way
Wishing you well!