I was looking for a place to come where i wouldnt be judged or looked at laughed at in a shameful disgusted way. I suffer from bipolar disorder and i currently started to take medication because it began to win. I want to be around people who are like me so i can feel safe, comfortable. I need a support system i have no friends and my family is the unsupportive type. it would be nice if someone reached out to me and we can share with eachother via email or through here thank you.
new here : I was looking for a place... - Anxiety and Depre...
new here

You are not alone, this community is amazing and extremely supportive
Welcome tifffany77 to your safe place. We are nonjudgmental because
we care about each other. You will find others who share your journey
and understand. We all have one thing in common and that is we feel
alone in our struggle. I'm glad you are here with us. xx
You are not alone and I feel the same way you do. My family does not understand. This is a great group of people that are very supportive.
Hi! I came here looking for the same thing. I have GAD, depression and social anxiety. I've had them for maybe 18 years give-or-take. I still fight with them every day. Lately I'm afraid to reach out because I don't want people/my friends to get tired of me and my need for reassurance and leave. So hopefully we'll both find what we need here 🖤
Glad you are here! How is the medication working? This site is very supportive and non-judgmental. Please keep posting. HUGS to you!