Hi I am new to this so I just wondered if anyone out there also had this problem
Does anyone suffer chest pain with an... - Anxiety and Depre...
Does anyone suffer chest pain with anxiety
Hi 👋🏻 welcome! but yes i have chest pain due to anxiety! it is normal and common
Thanks for that also I was also wondering does anyone suffer premature heart beats with panic disorder

Yes I do and it is the worst
Thanks for that it’s comforting to know as I am so scared when they come .

Yes to both. Very common I think.
You aren’t alone, by far! I think chest pain and palpitations are some of the most common symptoms of anxiety! Very scary, every time!
Yes. I thought I was having a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. They did all kinds of testing and pumped me with a tranquilizer. I soon settled. It happened that bad once and other times just slightly and once I relax with Meditation I am usually better.

I’ve gone to the ER many times thinking I was having a heart attack or stroke.
It's a scary feeling

Yeah I went there twice a couple weeks ago. It was no fun at all, especially with the covid environment there.
It's no fun but thankfully you did not have a heart attack.

Yeah thank God. I held off going fo a few days because I was pretty sure it was stress again, but then I thought I’d better go in since they were new symptoms. Went to the ER many times before, never any issues. Frustrating.
Thanks so much for those replies it makes things that little bit easier to deal with .
Does anyone suffer side effects with Lexapro I am on 15 mgs every day but find I get very tired in the afternoon . I am really ok in the morning but suddenly lose energy & feel I have to sit down also is it ok to take a drink on Lexapro . ? .
I had to switch from Lexapro because my symptoms got worse and am on Cymbalta. 1 drink won't hurt but no more.
Yes, I get this often. It is basically a panic attack. Mine seem to vary in intensity which I presume relates to how wound up you've got yourself with your anxiety. I have had mild discomfort, I have had absolutely crushing pain, once when I was driving. I had to pull over because I couldn't deal with the pain at the same time as concentrating on the road. Once when I was at home on my own, I paced the bedroom for 5 hours as I couldn't sit, stand or lay down, I just had to walk to deal with it. One time, I was blue lighted to A&E with a suspected heart attack. I was kept in for two days and had all sorts of tests and scans, but it turned out to be a severe panic attack.
My only advice is to do breathing exercises. Sometimes, concentrating on the breathing, eases the chest pain.