Has anyone experienced muscle spasms in their upper back and neck due to anxiety and depression
Muscle spasms: Has anyone experienced... - Anxiety and Depre...
Muscle spasms

I have actually had a mock heart attack do to anxiety/stress. It got to a point I had to go in and they basically told me tough stuff we can't give you pain reliever or muscle relaxer even though you are in great pain, oh and don't puke...just calm down and relax. These are doctors.
That’s terrible. So sorry you had to go through that
I know I will sound like them but... from myself to you try to find something that makes you even in the slightest bit feel less anxious. I know I sound like them and I don't want to but it's all I can really suggest. Growing up I loved comics, I find browsing digital comics can help sometimes but not to consistently rely on it as it would become a crutch/addiction.
Not from my depression but absolutely from my anxiety. I have a back massage pad thing I lay on the floor and lay on when it’s really bad but sometimes just laying flat on the floor helps a lot.

Thank you
Absolutely I have. I try to meditate and when I think I’m finally calm and I realize I’m. Don’t day anything w/o the little kids!
___well that got messed up! Anyway I was saying how Jennifer doesn’t need to have anything likes
Oh yes I have bad cramps/spasms right now in my neck and shoulder on the left side. It’s from stress and severe anxiety.