❤️ ❤️ ❤️ love and healing to you
Im not ready to talk a lot about my own story but am needing to a bit and to not feel alone so I understand if you feel the same way...
thank you
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ love and healing to you
Im not ready to talk a lot about my own story but am needing to a bit and to not feel alone so I understand if you feel the same way...
thank you
Just wanted to send you a big hug & some love Starrlight... I grew up in an abusive household, so might have some insight... PM me if you need to. Here for you
Just this past New Years I had an instance with my boyfriend who I must say I do still love but know I can never be with for my own well being. The argument was really stupid we were both drunk but there had been warning signs before that I chose to ignore ( pushing shoving one time chocking). It’s a lot to deal with honestly because being hurt just hurts more when it’s from someone you love. Cause when you’re good it’s great and you’re extremely happy but when it’s bad it’s terrible and it just makes life seem unfair. Like you’re not worthy of love without pain and you go down a path of depression. It takes a lot of strength to pick yourself back up from that I still haven’t fully to be honest but working on it. If you ever need to talk I’m here
I left a 23 year marriage where it when from happy with the occasional bewildering outburst from him, to a place where I was verbally, emotionally and physically abused. It is hard to get out when they design everything so you are reliant on them. Behind your back the smear you so when you turn to mutual friends and family they do not believe you and they think you are crazy. Make sure you have your OWN friends, OWN money. As if they would ever have allowed it! I've been out 3 years but unable to create replacement friends. I'm older and quite a few friends have died. Others move. Others I just don't trust. Now with Covid everyone turns to their nuclear family. Out of sight out of mind. If they have a family they see every day, they drop the friends. You can't do anything with them but they can socialize with family so you know what bonds are strongest. That sounds good but not for those without a family.
Oh, skipperdoodle, the betrayal and pain and loss you wrote about is my pain too. Not to take from what you've suffered, just me. Too. ME too.
To have his family and friends know just how awful and crazy I am. Nothing I can do about it. He is so good at it that when I called the police to report being attacked, Prince Charming was calm, cool, and sincere. I was frightened and crying. (Yup, she must be the troublemaker all right.) He told them all about how I imagined problems and needed help.
So I was dragged to the looney bin, to be released the following morning because the doctors didn't find anything wrong -- except an angry, freaked out, upset abused wife.
Damn those officers adding to my trauma when I reached and asked for help.
I am crippled (noticably), and as the officers escorted me to lock-up, one of them put his hand on my shoulder in back and shoved me hard. (I am in my 60s.) "Move it along Lady" is what I believe he said, as I briefly lost my balance, and had to grab a table so I wouldn't fall.
I didn't need to rehash this today. Or maybe I did. Damn, I hurt.
(((((((Hug))))))) ❤️
Domestic violence leaves unseen scars that can last a lifetime
I’m so sorry you’ve experienced this too
Much love and strength Starrlight ✨✨✨
Be well. 😊
I searched "domestic abuse" and HU had almost nothing. I hope you don't mind I responded to a post you wrote years ago.
I can't comfort myself.
I'm still broken. Still not healing. Still taking benzos, even when I know they make things worse. Still no meal, only more trauma, needing help I'm promised but don't get.
Angry, depressed, hurt.
Trying to comfort myself reading poetry of pain, betrayal, and suicide. Too dumb to know why it isn't working.
I’m sorry you can’t comfort yourself. You are not dumb at all. It helps me when I’m down to read what I can relate to also, like people who went through hardship and endured. It’s normal to feel angry depressed and hurt. Keep writing. I’m sitting with my mom right now. She is dying and it hurts and yesterday I was suicidal and angry but today I have peace and trying to hold onto that. I understand why even if they are not helpful in long run you take benzos. What are you up to right now? How is Tara?
Can we share some poetry together? I’ll go find one of my favorites to share.
I'm so sorry. I knew what's going on with your Mom right now and my mind is so bad it slipped away. Please forgive me. I wouldn't have posted here if my mind was right.
I'm happy for you that you've found some peace and comfort today.
Thank you for reminding me that my feelings aren't freakish. Knowing you've done some of these things is a huge comfort.
You'll be on my mind, what's left of it, and in my heart today.
You haven’t done anything wrong. I love you beautiful friend. How are you holding up?
Lots of pain today. I'm having trouble keeping my mood up.
I'm researching cancer fatigue. I wish I could help more, but I can look things up.
Tara is squawking a lot today. I'm not sure what's up, maybe I'm stressing her.
me too so hard to keep the mood up here too. (((((((((((((((NBP)))))))))))))) ((((((((((((((Tara)))))))))))))
Settle in the here and now.Reach down into the centerwhere the world is not spinningand drink this holy peace.Feel relief flood into everycell. Nothing to do. Nothingto be but what you are already.Nothing to receive but whatflows effortlessly from themystery into form.Nothing to run from or runtoward. Just this breath,Awareness knowing itself asembodiment. Just this breath,awareness waking up to truth.Danna Faulds