Is there anyone experiencing exhaustion for no reason, shortness of breath, cough with phlegm, back ache, shoulders weighted down, sometimes feel off balance, vision off sometimes & there is probably more just can't think right now. Even @ my age some times I want to go back to the state where my mom lives, crawl in her bed just to feel safe. I don't wanna deal with nothing any more. I try & ride stuff out, but I don't wanna ride anymore, I wanna get off. 😢😢😢😢😢
Anxiety, corona, sinus or what? Pleas... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety, corona, sinus or what? Please throw me a life preserver.
Hi bluetj I have experienced those symptoms when I first got diagnosed with anxiety the blurred vision not being able to concentrate feeling like your in derealization. It is exhausting. What is triggering all of this are you worried. Is it coronavirus by any chance? When I got diagnosed with anxiety I got told I had a sinus infection and was all congested. At this moment in time. I have also again felt like I have been congested like i have phlegm in back of my throat I had a cough for about 2 days wasn't a bad cough just like at night I would cough a little. Had blood in my nose and feel like my throat is tight and it's all red at the back and I am also worried about this coronavirus and won't ring gp because my anxiety stops me. Also the pollen count has been very high where I live so it's really confusing. I do think your symptoms do sound anxiety related as the vision is one main symptom I experienced and also the exhaustion.
I’m going through some of the same symptoms, especially the blurred vision, exhaustion and concentration. It seems to be worse in the mornings and a little better in the afternoon/evenings. I spoke with my doctor and he said could be allergies, maybe a bug and anxiety all combined. I’m pushing through and trying to be mindful of my current situation but it sucks. Not sure I helped but I there with you.
I use to feel worse in the mornings it so can be anxiety and just a minor bug or allergies and your anxiety brings on all these symptoms and your body goes sensitive to normal bodily sensations. Hope you feel better soon I know it's not a nice feeling atall x
Thanks, did you take any meds or just wait it out?
There is a Covid-19 ADAA resource, give it a click and you will hopefully pick up some tips and explanation there
At the moment there is a great deal of pollen from flowers plants and farmers fields. The farmer next to us has planted Oilseed Rape, the field is bright yellow and the smell of the flowers really get up my nose and it makes me sneeze, as it sets up my pollen ALLERGY.
Do you suffer Anxiety, it sound like you are set at high doo.
This sounds just like how I feel with my anxiety add in heart flutters and those are all my symptoms. I know what you mean about going back home sometimes I wish I could be small again with no problems and care of he world. Know your not alone.
Right? Back to restart. We all wish to be older, but when we are older, we want to be young. #truth