I suffer with bad anxiety, Iv come of mirtazapine, tried Sertraline in past & amitriptyline now been prescribed Duloxetine even though I don’t want to be back on anti-depressants so just wanted some advice on these before I start taking them, I get anxious taking anything new
Duloxetine : I suffer with bad anxiety... - Anxiety and Depre...

Duloxetine wasn't the right drug for me but it could be the one for you because your chemistry is different to mine. If you have trouble sleeping, taking mirtazapine at night works for me because sedation is a good side effect. I still take a day time antidepressant under advice from a psychiatrist. As you have found, managing your mental health can be trial and error. Keeping the prescriber in the know about how drugs affect you is very important. Best of luck in your search.
This medication is as good as any other, if you have been advised to take the drug, you follow as advised
Remember you are in partnership with your GP as far as health matters are concerns therefore you follow advise.
It takes five weeks for medications to start to work, every time you stop and start a different medication it take time to get any benefit. Medications of this group are not never ending.
Give that time, hopefully given time you will feel better. I have been on my medication over twenty years, and they do calm and lift the mood over time
Have to say duloxetine works for me but I tried coming off it once and the experience was not one for the feint hearted so much so they put me back on it to stop the after shocks so I'm not really sure if I take it for anxiety or addiction lol Anyway apparently it's expensive and they don't prescribe it often and it sounds like they are going through the list with yourself crossing off what works and what does not. I lost my PIP through them messing around with my meds and I have to say not a lots changed with my anxiety just poorer.
Ah thankyou for the advice! Iv been so freaked out by things Iv read Iv not even picked them up from chemist, I originally asked for pregablin as I have taken these before after a panic attack, I have tried sertraline mirtazapine & amitriptyline but the side effects didn’t agree the mirtazapine lasted a year and then side effects got bad, but it’s so hard to come off medication! It’s like instead of making you feel better you end up getting so fed up, iv tried therapy and I feel like I’m back to square one again, Iv just bought the DARE book and it’s helping me a lot, I’m taking kalms too just trying to use a bit of self help rather than medication as it’s the thought of side effects and coming off them, instead of fighting the anxiety Iv literally been saying to myself come on then come join me for the day, and any sensations Iv been saying whatever they don’t bother me, I had a panic attack this morning and usually I’m anxious for days but I used these methods and iv been fine for the rest of the day, it’s such a hard thing to understand! X
Does the Duloxetine make you relaxed and sleepy? I’m unsure on what they do which puts me off the most, I said to the doctor I just need to be relaxed because then I’m a lot less anxious x