Is there anyone out there who would like to talk to me Seems like I can’t control my anxiety it’s driving me crazy
Anxiety: Is there anyone out there who... - Anxiety and Depre...

hello, what seems to be troubling you at the moment? what are you worried about?
Things that might happen to people Like the Coronavirus thinking I have it Went to the doctor three times and they keep saying the same thing anxiety my body does weird things at night Like sometimes out of body experience I have all the new symptoms that came out lately And they won’t let me take the test
You are not alone. I have things that help like running and nature hikes but not sure when it comes to getting to the root of problem... I’m working on self compassion atm ...maybe try that ... meditation and deep breathing is nice too. Right now I’m in a bad place where not much is helping and I’m tired out from trying so I will just let it be and try to stop feeling desperate as it seems the anxiety keeps me feeling on guard ...not fun. Best to you.
I'm here to talk. For my anxiety certain things help calm it down like working out, watching those netflix comedy specials (I just watch them over and over and over), and going on runs. I have found that generally people all have something they can find to help them cope with their anxiety and if you cant then speaking with a doctors seems like your best option. I hope this helps
Sometimes for me, that desire to control the anxiety makes the anxiety worse. Like, the longer it takes to get the anxiety under control the more anxious I am that I'm not getting it under control. It just adds to my anxiety. I'm sure everyone experiences this differently, but I often feel that whenever I engage the anxiety in a tussle to get it under control, the anxiety has already won. It's in control, driving my actions. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to accept that it's here. There are times anxiety is present and there can be good reasons. Having anxiety over getting the disease currently shaking the world isn't irrational or unreasonable. there is nothing wrong with being afraid of that. Sometimes just an acknowledgment that the anxiety is there, it's real, and that's okay take some of the steam out of the anxiety. When I'm not fighting it, there is less to drive it.
The ADAA posted two helpful blogs on this line I just read that might be helpful.
Hey scarr6!
I learn so much more here than anyone paid to help has ever offered.
Your links were wonderful. More than that, they give me hope (especially the second link) that I can do something to slay the freaking dragon. Or at least giving HIM a bad day for a change.
Much appreciated. (Now comes the hard part - can I really do this?)
By the way, Covid-19 is not all these links address. Anxiety / panic / and self-sabotage were all in there.
Yes. Yes. and Yup, uh-huh.
If you don’t mind what are some of your systems
Do you mean anxiety symptoms or COVID symptoms? As far as COVID, I've only had a small cough, no real experience with feeling like I have the disease, though I live with several people who have beaten it. As for anxiety, I usually get very fidgety, can't focus, develop a bit of a headache.
You are going to the Dr when you feel off, so that is a win. A lot of ppl don’t do that. That’s awesome of you.
Next, trust the diagnosis of the Dr. You seem to be physically healthy. You are controlling the things you can control, now it’s time to accept the things you cannot control.
When the discomfort sets in, try to sit with it and understand it vs. trying to make the feeling go away.
A couple things that might help are cold showers, meditation, and being outdoors (if you can.) gratitude journal is also helpful.
If you haven’t, talk to a counselor. Talking helps, no matter who it is
One thing I’ve learned is to Not fight it makes it worse. Try and think it through is it something Real or something that may or may No happen ? I try to take it One day at a Time? You’ll have good days and bad. I’ve been dealing with this off and on for about 36 years. No lying it has sometimes been so tough that I’ve thought about Sucide, I also felt that I couldn’t keep living like this? Continue to write if you’d like? We’re here for You
You had it often on for 36 years I just got it like a couple of months and I can’t take it just imagine if it continues going on and on . I try working out I tried jogging and it doesn’t seem to go away but thanks to you guys I am working on it thank you
You’re welcome, it’s been difficult at times, I’m EXHAUSTED sometimes, I had to retire early because of this, over 3 years ago and been in bed about 80% of the time. This virus thing has me up and down days we’re i don’t Eat and days I over Eat. To think this might continue for 2 years ? I can’t imagine that? My savings have been helping me get by, the savings won’t last 2 years and can’t work, I’m High Risk. My daughter who lives with me is learning challenged she has dyslexia, only works PT. She’s been laid off though. She can’t help as much as I need her too. So it’s an uphill battle, so I’ll. Pray and See? 🙏
Hello hope all is well. I also suffer with bad anxiety I feel lightheadedness my heart throbs out my chest tingling in hands its all horrible but slowly I been working on it naturally.
How do you feel? Do you do anything to kind of get it from taking over?