I get pretty anxious and scared cause I get thoughts like kill yourself or kill your mother, or something like that, and I can't get it out of my head, it's not as before but, will it eventually leave my mind, also my mind like talks to me, is there anybody who deals with this?
Anxiety and thoughts: I get pretty... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anxiety and thoughts

I can’t relate to your personal experience but that sounds scary.
I’m glad that you can talk about it here & I hope you can get the support you need.
Sounds like a form of OCD called Pure-O. Lexapro really helped me with my case of Pure-O. Luvox and Anafranil are also prescribed for it. Blessings 🙏

What is pure-o now?
It is a form of OCD, obsessive thinking without the physical compulsions. Mostly in the form of intrusive thoughts

lynnalice, I didn't know that. I learn something new everyday
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. xx
You’re welcome! I’m so glad I was able to be of service to others ❤️

Lynnalice, we never know how our responses may impact someone
looking for answers or just needing support. I enjoy reading your replies.
They are always caring and to the point. Thank you for being you. xx
I so enjoy reading your responses and replies as well! I’ve learned so much from you
Hey Richard,
This is actually fairly common in anxiety and panic situations. Many people feel like they're "losing their mind" when they aren't at all. The main question I would ask, do you think about doing it or is it a spontaneous thought that comes that leads you to question what's going on in your head? If it's the latter, it's anxiety. I often "talk to myself" but never another voice in my head...just me talking to me. I have also had irrational fears such as you mention...a thought of accidentally losing control and harming one of my family members, but it does not become a desire and never manifests. No matter what I say on this, I think you should get a psychological evaluation from a psychologist or psychiatrist to make sure you don't have other problems besides anxiety.
All signs point to anxiety if you are able to understand these thoughts are irrational and they subside. If you feel an urge to hurt yourself or others that does not fade away and continues to bother you, please call a hotline immediately or dial emergency services so you don't hurt yourself or others.
I'm not sure if you're on medication or not, but if you are, perhaps a change would help. If you aren't, you may find medication helps tremendously. I wish you the best of luck and make sure to take care.

I'd it's like a voice in my head, probably mine but like as if there's another me in my head, a good me and a evil me, only if I think about though, but it's hard to forget but I can, could be from googling alot too much, was just walking and thought the devil got in my head telling me to do things. Things sinful like murder or suicide. It's probably cause I'm a Christian and my mom told me things and probably just scared my mind and now I think like that. I'm looking for a job en but it started after a week of I don't wanna live anymore cause I was getting pains throughout my body aka the stress response. I'll probably register for a psychiatrist when I finally have a job. So idk, but it all started with idc about anything anymore after I had a nervous breakdown cause my one cousin stole my identity. December I had my first panic attack. Long story message me for the whole story ok.

I think it's not a voice in my head but my own stress and anxiety along with depression. I'm controlling it for now, mabey I just need to accept it, cause if I do I'll forget it when I have a job.
It's okay if you hear it, recognize it as nothing you could never do, and then dismiss it. If the thoughts are persistent and have this desire to be met and won't give you a break, I would call someone (a therapist or so on). The main thing that is good out of this is to realize the thoughts are irrational and that you would never dream of hurting someone.
I've had thoughts like...what if I lose my mind and just go mentally crazy and hurt my family. I realize I'm thinking too hard, or like you said stressed. I don't actually want to do this nor do I have any desire. I would definitely try to spend some more time on yourself in terms of relaxing and getting ahead in your brain with mindfulness and meditation. It could help you a lot. That said, again, if this becomes persistent and the thoughts become an obsession, I think it would be great to get help just in case. You sound like a wonderful person with a lot going on. Mental health is hard to try to diagnose on here...especially with me lacking a doctorate. My main is advice is to set aside some time for you and to try to see how irrational the thought is. You love your family and, while sometimes our families can be a source of stress, you would never dream of doing this. SAme with your self....you don't want to die. Life is and can be difficult but we'll get by. If you're ever in doubt though, please get some professional help just to make sure. We all need it occasionally and there's no shame. I truly wish you the best and if you ever need an ear, feel free to PM me.
hi I have a friend for 25 plus years don't see much of him now but still a good friend.for some reason I started horrible thoughts that I wanted to harm him.this was regular for a period of time thankfully it passed but it freaked me out that I was having these thoughts.do your best not to ponder over it as it will remain in your thoughts.it will pass.
You should try to control cause those thoughts in your head will put you down but you can't let those thoughts keep you down, you gotta get back up and fight every day. I hope you can master your thoughts or what is called pure-o I hope the best to you☺