Like a lot of people, I live alone and in a place where I don't have friends. I would love to know strategies people use to keep depression at bay in a situation like this.
I feel very isolated: Like a lot of... - Anxiety and Depre...
I feel very isolated

I think it can be helpful to do things that make you feel alive... reading, getting outside and going into nature, being in the sun, doing anything you love as a you have or can you get a pet?
I don't have a pet but I have considered it and think it would help. Thank you for the encouragement and ideas. I do need to go for walks more often, they do help some.
I have been taking walks, doing yoga, and I have a regular weekly FaceTime appointment with my two best friends. Also, as a religious person, I engage in weekly Zoom prayer services.
I do need to take more walks, they are reliably helpful for me. Do you find the FaceTime helpful? I have not been wild about that way of interacting with people generally, but I haven't tried it much.
The FaceTime has been great! While it isn't the same way as getting together with loved ones, it is still something and, in some ways, because we are all so hungry for human interaction, I think I have been in touch more frequently with friends than I might otherwise have been.
I should try it. I teach for a living so have been doing various videoconferences with my students a lot lately, and it's a little exhausting. Hopefully I'll have energy for it after the semester is over.
Totally agree with going outside, being active. A long walk lets you take in fresh air and sun and scenery. These will start your good hormones pumping and ramps up the blood in your body circulating. Enjoy it as much as you can. While you are there, be grateful that you have so many blessings like your health, a place to stay, enough food. Wear a mask, of course, for your protection and bring a hand sanitizer or any gloves. I wear my gardening gloves when I take a walk, its cheaper and I already have it. Research first about pets. They have a lot of benefits, not only the companionship but they can lighten up your life. But consider very well the cost and maintenance and how it will affect you if it gets sick. You need to consider if you can handle it. Now regarding people, if you are not so used to talking with people, take baby steps. Do it a little bit at a time because sometimes people can say things that might offend without meaning to.
If you’re thinking about getting a pet, but unsure — consider fostering a cat or dog from a rescue. You can foster for a few days, weeks, but you don’t have to commit for the long term. It feels good to ‘save a life’ too because when you foster, it gives another animal a chance. I’ve found it very rewarding
(I too live alone with few friends) Also, when I’m super down, I think about what I liked to do when I was a kid. That kid still exists in my adult mind somewhere. I liked to draw, watch movies, walk, and play around in the dirt (literally) by making ‘mud pies.’ Anyhow, honor that little kid and try something new or re-discover something from your ‘kid past’ that brought you joy. I know it’s really helped me.
This is a good idea, I will look into fostering options locally.
Yay! I hope you do it. In my area, they are always looking for animal fosters. Many places even give you pet food and supplies during the time that you’re fostering. They usually just make you bring in the animal every couple of weeks or so for medical check ups and vaccinations. I have foster kittens but you can also foster puppies and older cats and dogs as well.