Would you rather be dumb and happy or smart and sad?
Would you rather: Would you rather be... - Anxiety and Depre...
Would you rather

That makes me smile, because I actually say that or some variation of my feelings about it to people occasionally at my work. "I wish I was an idiot; I'd be just as happy as you...".. Not nice things in other words.. But people at my work are often insufferable to me. It's like being in the gym locker room at high school when I was a teenager but without all the bullying. They often say things that are not just insensitive but beyond ignorant, if there is such a state.. And too often I want to punch someone in the face just for the words pouring from their mouth. Some guy was holding court one day not long ago and I can't get it out of my head. He actually said "Of course, we all know that the moral degradation of the United States started in the 60s".. I could not even reply as to try to remain professional at that point. I new he meant the 1960s and I'm not one of the many white Americans who conveniently and ignorantly ignores my nation's past crimes against segments of humanity. But it incensed me and I can't get over the fact I've put myself in a position to have to work with many so thoughtless and narrow in scope as people. Eats me alive somedays.. I don't even want to get out of bed and go to work.
I guess “dumb” people aren't actually happy. They just don't concern and care, but that's not healthy too. Can I choose being smart and just okay? Being happy is not the most necessary. Feeling okay is already a reward for me.
I would never want to say dumb people. They do have the saying ignorance is bliss . I think back to when I was a small child life was easier and lighter. Not because I made it that way but because I was unaware of how the world around me would have a impact on my self worth. I think life is what we make of it. No matter our level of IQ and we can all learn from each other. The world is harder when anxiety comes into play and we allow the world to appear heavier then what it actually is. We only have one life and it’s important to treat others fairly, not take ourselves to seriously, and learn to slow down , breathe. Be in the Moment because they can pass us by so fast and we can’t get that time back. So let’s spread peace and learn from each other. Life can be hard but being positive and having a open mind can make it well worth it. That’s my motto. Can be hard to be positive but if we try it changes our perspective on life and can a overwhelming positive impact. Much love to you all. 😘
I have smart days and dumb days. So there’s that. 😁😁😁
But seriously, life dictates circumstances, if I get bad news I’ll probably be sad, if i get good news, I’ll be happy. Also, depression can steal all of my emotions so dumb or smart doesn’t matter when you cant feel anything.
I really am okay with just being okay at any and all given moments, this actually = happiness for me.
Well, they say that ignorance is bliss, but I still would rather be smart and sad. At least if I were smart, then I could figure out a way to become happy.
How dumb? Because if you're only slightly dumb and know that you're dumb, then no. definitely, no. If I'm a complete moron, then I guess I wouldn't really know so that would be fine....I keep saying if they gave lobotomies still I'd be first in line. Have a great day.
I love this question.
Smart and Sad, everyday, always

I really like it too
i love this question.
Sad and smart, Everyday all day
Dumb and happy. What’s the use of being smart if you’re sad?
That question is actually quite complicated. Einstein once pointed out that there are different types of intelligence; where one situation would paint you the genius, the next might present you as the fool. I enjoy saying that someone is only as smart as the amount of stupid that surrounds (and hinders).
To answer directly, my preference is intelligent and sad. The reason: someone showing me pity fills me with murderous-murderous rage. Hypothetically, if someone were to intentionally knock me down, only to feel sorry for me, in afterthought, and offer a hand to pull me back up, anticipate the loss of that hand. I still have my teeth.