Hi all! How are you dealing with the COVID-19 anxieties, especially if you suffer from OCD?
OCD and COVID-19: Hi all! How are you... - Anxiety and Depre...
OCD and COVID-19

Repeat after me ," We're gonna be fine " Repeat
It’s a very real anxiety !

I agree, even prayerfully ...
it will take more (strict compliance to instructions) It's going to be a
test of faith, especially for those who lack faith.
Hi again,
For one who is Agnostic, I completely get what you are saying. My brother is very religious and we’re very close. I even asked him to say a prayer about all this. He sincerely told me he would and that brought me comfort and joy hearing that.
So yes, I do respect those that turn to faith. And thank you for your positive support while we all endure this.
-MZ ❤️
Hi ando12,
We’re in a fluid situation now as there are still a lot of unknowns as to how long COVID19 will be around. Yes, it scares the hell out of me. But... I have to do the best I can to stay calm. It’s not easy. But it’s necessary as much as I can.
Just know for sure, you are not alone with OCD/COVID19. I work at a college and for days before it was shut down students and colleagues were bombarding each other with concerns. I find that normal. This is the first time everyone is going through this.
I tell others to thoroughly wash their hands, don’t touch your face, keep about a 6’ distance from each other while out in public, stay hydrated (water is best) and remain vigilant.
I can greatly empathize with your concerns. Yet my mantra is: “We will get through this.”
-MZ ❤️
I suffer from profound OCD 'contamination fears.' How about you?

Health related, Relationship related... mostly what I can put my focus on.

Wish you all the best during this period!
My daughter has OCD Washing her hands a lot, she’s over bought soap. Trying to discourage her from buying anymore. They ran out of hand soap so she started buying dish soap. And more sanitizer when we already had some. It’s a hard disorder to control. 🙏
Thank you all for the replies, wish you all the best during this period.
I have OCD normally mostly because of germs, and alot of repetitive intrusive thoughts and I just can't get my mind off of something, and since this new virus is out there I have been just staying home as much as possible and taking a bit too much xanax. I don't take a medication for OCD, I just take anxiety medicine to help with the OCD. I left the house earlier today and wasn't concerned, except touching things alotta people touch and public bathrooms are hard for me anyways. 2mg xanax made me chill. I still washed my hands quite often and used hand sanitizer.