I've been very tired, dizzy, and head stuffiness. I called into work today because of this. I'm starting to worry that it could be just constant extreme anxiety. There are times though that I get up and walk around (or even just sitting there) and I suddenly feel like no, I'm definitely sick. Does anyone know a way to tell?
How to decipher between having a cold... - Anxiety and Depre...
How to decipher between having a cold, allergies, and anxiety?

Hi SadMommy.
Sorry I did not see this sooner. Do yo have a fever? Are you still feeling ill?
What have you decided? What makes you think it is from constant extreme anxiety?
Thanks for the reply!!! I have definitely decided that I'm actually sick. I been around someone and her husband who have been sick for 3 weeks. One has a cough and one has a sore throat, but I don't really have those symptoms. The fatigue and feeling not right has just been extreme, plus I had headaches and chills, I finally figured I had to be sick. Plus I'm in one of the epicenters of the Covid-19 outbreak. (Which in all honesty, I haven't been worried about except for trying to buy a regular supply of toilet paper at the store since it's sold out most places.)
The reason I thought it was anxiety is because it's the same symptoms I get when I'm anxious...mainly weak and dizzy. I also suffer allergies and it's start of tree pollen season and I get tired, stuffy, and dizzy from that too.
Yes it is hard to decipher it all. I was also thinking that all I can do for exercise is go out for walks in the woods. That is going to trigger my allergies to tree pollen.
One thing I do know is that we can catch something from another person who was ill with a head cold yet it can be manifested in us showing up as completely different symptoms. You could for example have caught something from a person who has a head cold scratchy throat, yet you get only an ear ache or g i symptoms. Same bug but is shows up differently.
I do not know if that is true of the Covid virus. I think that virus is always a respiratory illness.
Being physically ill always makes my depression harder to cope with.
Hope you will be feeling on the mend soon.
Thanks so much! I know I can't even do a treadmill or exercise which is exasperating my depression and anxiety. It's hard for me to just sit around because then my brain starts a downward spiral.