Hi I'm Steve ,I'm 51 and and have been on this site for a while now(even though it's been through the changing faces section) quite recently I've been diagnosed with major anxiety and depression and am currently working towards attending my first DWP heath assessment (Which in its self is making me quite anxious)I know it's only a small thing but I've heard that the panel actually used trick questions to try and catch you out etc ,just wanted to know if anyone has experienced this ,best wishes steve
New to anxiety and depression - Anxiety and Depre...
New to anxiety and depression

Hey Steve, i can assure you are not alone for i suffer major anxiety quite often, and like you, the thought of being ,shall i say, interrogated by the DWP is in itself depressing and anxiety prone, but the advice i was given when faced with numerous questions, you must always say how you are on your worst days , and never on your better days. Good luck.
Welcome, Steve. Sorry about your anxiety - it sucks. Hope you get some relief soon.
Thank you for your kind words and support,I feel slightly better knowing I'm not the only one going through this ,been feeling quite alone and started to question the authentications of my mind set ,just felt like a shock and if I'm totally honest a rejection of the authentication of my mental state (I know deep down this isn't the case but still the seed has been planted)thanks for listening to my inane senseless rants ,best wishes steve
Hello Steve. Welcome to Anxiety and Depression Support. I am glad that you are joining us so soon after being diagnosed. I have suffered with anxiety and depression for many years. I have found this site to be so helpful. It is wonderful talking with people who understand. I wish you the very best on your DWP heath assessment. I am not in the UK. I am not familiar with that process. I hope you stay here with us for support on your journey even after you have completed your assessment.