Hello I'm new to this site. I enrolled on Saturday but just signed in tonight. Hoping to meet some great people that can be supportive and who understand this whole issue of anxiety and I guess depression that comes along with it. I'll learned a lot about this through the years and just when I think I have a hold of it, it shows its ugly head once again. Ugh! Can't wait to meet some of you.
Dealing with this ugly anxiety again! - Anxiety and Depre...
Dealing with this ugly anxiety again!

Hello nice to meet you. I've been reading posts on here since I signed in tonight. Yes I'm a 59 year old woman and I've dealt with anxiety just about my whole adult life, but many times had a very good handle on it. I understand what it is and am not so scared of panic attacks, but what I've been dealing with is the anxiety part of it. Getting very anxious in my mind, sometimes racing mind, can't quiet it down, but also I've been playing with my thyroid medication since last year 2019 because of problems I'm having with it. So I think it's combination of things but the anxiety has been bad and I don't like med's for it I'm a control freak, try to handle everything the natural way.
Hi and welcome understand you I deal with anxiety everyday just can't seem to stop all the racing thoughts everyday is a battle to stop all the wtfs and so tired of just worrying too much about everything so you are not alone!!!!
Thanks for the nice reply. Yes I do try very hard to distract myself and when I'm busy it's good. It's when I have that quiet time that the thoughts are there. All most like what if . . . Blah, blah, blah u know them those anxious thoughts that are very difficult. It's almost like worrying about worrying sounds funny but it's true. I enjoy walking and try to do it almost every day. I also have been helping out a friend who is less fortunate and it's doing wonders for me. My doc knows I want to come down on the thyroid med but she said let's look at the blood work and of course it showed fine but I've never tried to come down on dosage before so there's nothing to go by. Last year I started having serious problems with the medication, I believe it's too much of a dosage, I experienced hives and all. It's the only med I'm on.
Hi, welcome
I’m fairly new here as well. I’ve found it to be very helpful. Just reading and getting some advice here has been a huge help. I hope you find the support you need here.
Thanks I appreciate it. When I started researching anxiety forums online I was so surprised to see the amount of people that suffer from anxiety and all the manifestations of it. But comforting to know we're not alone, because I' ve always felt alone in this. I always wanted to be part of a support group for this, glad I found this site, it's very helpful already.
Thanks I really do appreciate it! I know it's the fear of the thoughts that get us into trouble. You've given me some great advise now I just have to follow through with it. That takes practice (over and over)
Hi, Welcome!
Yes anxiety has a habit of visiting or staying for a while. I have found this site to be helpful to discuss ideas and suggestions for managing it day to day. I consider myself to be a functioning person with anxiety. I have attacks and sometimes they are more intense but sometimes they are mild. I manage them with meds as necessary and see a therapist as needed. The main problem is finding the right medication for what is going on for you. Some need anti depressants, some need benzos and of course there are other rxs as well. It really depends on how it effects your life. I find that seeing a therapist helps to keep it managed as I will never be completely rid of it.
Yes that is true. I had my first panic attack at around 20 and it affected for years after that. U know the what if thinking, I've always been a worrier, my Dad same way but he self medicated his whole life with alcohol. I'm certainly not blaming him at all, I'm just saying I know where I get my nerves from. It's in my genes, I just have to learn how to handle it at best.
Thanks your advise helped me to sleep last night, it's nice to find people to understand you. Not everyone deals with this beast anxiety so it's hard for people to truly understand! Felt like I went to counseling. LOL
Welcome! I’m pretty new here as well. Signed up few mos back but only just recently began posting and reading posts regularly. I have found a lot of support here. Anxiety and depression as well as other mental illnesses are the norm here 🙃 We are “normal”
Jumprope14 - Your comment - “ Worrying about worrying” really struck a chord with me! It’s so irrational but so true! My Mom had some serious mental health issues back in the 50s & 60s when medical science had no idea what to do so I decided that I had to be the strong one & always take care of everyone. When I got anxious, I was so sure I was going crazy but it was just a whole life’s worth of anger, resentment, and bottled up feelings because I was determined not to become my Mom. Meds have been helpful but I have also realized, at now 64 years old, as you age, the meds affect you differently. It has been a struggle and I often find, when things are really bad, I’m not strong enough to do the breathing or meditating - I can’t keep my head quiet. That’s the hardest thing. And, for as much as I’d like to retire from my job & look forward to days off, my most anxious days are when I’m home from work with no set schedule!
This sight has been tremendously helpful - just realizing how many people actually go through this makes me feel so much better! And it has made me be honest with my family & friends - telling them the truth about my anxiety & why sometimes I just can’t do things they have come to expect of me. And that has helps them to tell me they have had the same experiences! Finally I feel like I don’t have to hide who I am anymore!
Keep checking in - it really helps!
Thanks, the truth is we're all worrie's to begin with. So recognizing that is a good start. My counselor said it's genetic that I believe, my dad was always very anxious and could never relax without alcohol. Yes that's true when we have our quiet time there goes the thoughts, we just have to recognize them and speak the truth to ourselves about them. We are OK, practice make perfect. Although like you said I think it will always be there but knowing how to handle it makes the difference.