Hi, I have been suffering from anxiety and depression for almost a year. It is constant and difficult to get motivated and to be happy. I pray this ailment would just go but it has been around a long time and I feel hopeless. I have spent so much money on Psychiatrists, Psychologists and medication and I seem to be getting worse. But I have hope in God who promised that he would heal me. I trust in Him and pray that he will set me free from this burden in my life. I am 46 yo and long for a brighter future and brighter day. Please give me tips.
Introduction: Hi, I have been suffering... - Anxiety and Depre...
Hello Mike. Have you tried hobbies? Sometimes it helps me to play music and do art or get outside for a few minutes. Have you found something small to do in your free time that can make you feel a little proud of something you did? Doesn't always help of course. Hope this helps!
I do believe in God and so don't let go. He is there even in the darkness. Just talk to him, even if in your mind, if you're too drained to speak aloud or get on your knees. I understand about not being motivated. I get very stuck at times to say the least. God be with you 🌹❤
Mike I read your post and I prayed for you and tried to think of something else that you might find helpful, and came up with this:
I am suffering just like you Mike. I read a lot and exercise seems to help also. I hope you feel better soon.
Have you tried tyrosine as a suppliment?
Tyrosine boots dopamine sometimes people are deficient in dopamine the only way to find out if you are is to try it
Holland&Barrett sell it stick to the recommended dose
Hope your depression lifts
Thanks for your advice. I have order Tyrosine and will give it a go. Did you try the L Tyrosine or the Acteyl Tyrosine. I ordered the L Tyrsosine. I am so fed up of the side effects of the medication I am on - lexapro and Lithium. I am actually going to get a second opinion tomorrow and looking forward to it.
Thanks again
Hi Mike I use the l tyrosine
The drugs you are on - lithium is for bipolar disorder - do you have bipolar disorder ? The other drug is an SSRI and I am guessing they didn't test if you were low on serotonin just wrote the script
Don't stop these drugs abruptly though
I don't see why you shouldn't take tyrosine 500mg per day - unless you have bipolar disorder?
Tyrosine makes dopamine which fuels bipolar high s manic episodes