I was reading about seizures and now I’m horrified I could have one because all the warning signs are things I have, I had a panic attack about 5 months ago and ever since my life has been horrible. I’m dizzy every single day 24/7 and Im dealing with chostocondritis on top of that. I don’t know what to do anymore... someone please help me out.
I’m terrified...: I was reading about... - Anxiety and Depre...
I’m terrified...

Hi Anthony, you have a bad case of Health Anxiety but it's not going to kill
you, it just feels like that. The best thing you can do when you get these
body symptoms is to accept that it is not life threatening. Acceptance is going
to be the key of you going forward and eliminating the fear of one body symptom
after another.
I too have Costochondritis. I will admit the first few times I experienced the pain,
it was frightening. For years and years now, I never get it anymore. It's not dangerous,
it has to do with the nerves between your ribs getting inflamed. Use wet heat packs
when this happens. It will settle down when you settle down.
If you haven't already read Dr. Claire Weekes' book on "Hope & Help for your Nerve"
please pick up a copy on Amazon or go to YouTube and watch some of her videos.
You will think that she knows you personally because everything she talks about
you will find familiar with your own issues.
You're not alone Anthony. We all have gone through the same things over the years.
Let me tell you that it does and will get better if not go away completely like it did
for me. I'll support you through this. It's going to be okay. xx
Goodnight my friend, I'm calling it a night. Been a looong day
I really appreciate the kind and helpful words I’d love to talk to you some more about this to help me out. Get a good night sleep my friend
Hi Anthony, I'd be more than happy to talk with you.
I agree with the response from Dolphin 14. As you read
responses from others, you will see that they over lap in
what works for them. Like Dolphin, I too use meditation
and deep breathing several times a day, every day. It works
for me, so I've made it a part of my daily life.
The more you learn about anxiety and how the mind and body
are interconnected, the easier it will be to go forward.
We're here for you Anthony.. xx
Have you seen and md? Symptoms should always be checked out medically first.
If we have medical clearance then we know we have to pay close attention to this anxiety.
Keep telling yourself you are ok. Work through the anxiety attacks with deep breathing, distraction, whatever works best for you.
I do meditation. I find it takes my mind off the symptoms.
Keep trying different things. You will find something that works for you.
I appreciate that and yes right after my panic attack I originally went to the ER when it happened and they did all the blood tests and all that and it came back that everything was fine so Idk
Glad to here you got seen in the ER. A lot of Dr will sort of push things off saying it's anxiety without a workup. So, I'm always glad to here people get seen and have sine testing done. That's just my own personal thought in that.
Panic is very scary. I've been through it. Are you being seen by a psychiatrist and/or therapist?
We all have to learn coping skills to get through this. It won't happen overnight. So keep searching for what works for you. Do the self help reading that people suggest. Continue to reach out here where people understand.
I wish you the best of luck. This can be tackled it takes work, dedication and time