Denied: Work hard all my life. Swinging... - Anxiety and Depre...

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19 Replies

Work hard all my life. Swinging sledge hammer at the age of 14. Just got denied disability, probably some colledge idiot. My family was poor. College wasnt much of a option. They said my injuries arnt bad enough. Let the people walk in my damn shoes for a week. Iam not entirled i lnow that. My arm and finfers are damaged. My mind is broken. I am a automotive technition. I need hands, arms, brain. I can do something. I am 52 years old. What am supposed to do. Happiness is gone. Sde black all over again. Maybe its time to finsh. Wife and kids would be taken off . May to definately.

19 Replies
Caseopia profile image

I just had my disability hearing and fear I will get denied....again. I know how you feel.

in reply to Caseopia

Thank you. Do have lawyer on it. Just more time and money.

Caseopia profile image
Caseopia in reply to

Yes I do

in reply to Caseopia

This stuff just sucks.

Dolphin14 profile image

Have you appealed?

You are still young. As much as it su**s to start something new looks like you may have to.

in reply to Dolphin14

Thanks. I am still young. I am do alot. My jobs management to hands on ( love that). Willing to try anything. Thanks for good thoughts. Just get worried about house payments utilites, and do on.

Ardraven profile image

Did you have any help with the application process? When I applied for Disability Living Allowance here in the UK, several people I knew had been turned down and I was worried enough that I asked the Disability Association for help and they were brilliant though the entire process.

Have you looked in to whether there's anything similar in your area? I see you're in the States so I don't have firsthand knowledge of what organisations might be able to help but maybe another member from the USA will have some ideas.

If you can manage an appeal it could be well worthwhile. It forces them to consider your case in more detail but some advice or an advocate of some kind for you will help even more with that process.

In any case I hope you can get something sorted soon. There are few things more stressful than having to worry about how you will get enough money just to live on.

I know sometimes it's hard to carry on but if I had managed to follow that impulse the first time I felt that way then I would have missed out on some of the best times in my life so stay with us - it's so hard to believe in the future when the pain in the present is overwhelming but there's always a future even when we can't see it.

I wish you an excellent future and a fulfilled life.

in reply to Ardraven

Yes i all ready got in touch with lawyers.

Ardraven profile image
Ardraven in reply to

All the best with the appeals process and hope the legal representation helps

in reply to Ardraven

Thank you. For good thoughts.

in reply to Ardraven

Thank you.

All_alone profile image

Hi Fordguy. I'm sorry you were denied. I know nothing about the process but my neighbor also was denied. He was in a bad car accident and messed up both ankles, can barely walk and he also stands at work and needs to walk around. Keep talking here to us and hopefully someone will have a helpful suggestion. I didn't know about that one Statham western movie. I'll have to find it.

in reply to All_alone

It just sucks. Have alot of worries. The western is was talking about is clint eastwood.

All_alone profile image
All_alone in reply to

All the worries, I wish there was a good and relatively quick answer for all of us. C Eastwood is another good one. Have you watched his most recent "the mule". I enjoyed it but the family side of it made me want to cry.

in reply to All_alone

No have not sceen that one. I will look for it. I do watch netflix and hulu. It can take me 3 or 4 days to watch a movie. Attention span is short sometimes.

Oh boy do I feel for you....bad things happen to good people all the time and I really don't understand it at all. I'm hoping there's a solution for difficult as it is please keep up the good fight for you. You're special there's only one never know what the future holds for you.

Here's a little sparkle for your day.

Dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy and hugs for you!

in reply to

Thank you so much all the people on herd so far have been kind heated an beautiful.

BamaDave profile image

I'm sorry for your situation, though I'm positive your atty. will get you approved on appeal. Getting SSDI for a physical impairment is harder than a mental one.

SS even denied my mom the first time, and she had just been released from the hospital after a 6-month stay due to a head on collision that caused countless injuries which required surgeries in the double digits to put her back together.

They are tough. She had to demonstrate that she couldn't sit at a job for more than 4 hours a day, let alone use her hands. I know this doesn't seem helpful, but you don't have to be as severely damaged as she was to get coverage. You just have to show how limited your role would be in the workplace. A good disability atty. can do that for you.

Good luck to you.

in reply to BamaDave

Thank you. It does help

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