Is it Fibromyalgia pain or MS. - Anxiety and Depre...

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Is it Fibromyalgia pain or MS.

Gjkas profile image
โ€ข24 Replies

What is the difference between FIBROMYALGIA and M S. I have been reading about the difference between Fibromyalgia and M.S. A lot of the Symptoms i have are like MS.But the treatment and medication that I am on is for Fibromyalgia. I have been on the same treatment for a few years now ,but it hasn't helped my pain at all. In fact the pain is getting much worse. So I am just wondering if i was misdiagnosed.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thankyou Gjkas.

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Gjkas profile image
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24 Replies

I have a condition that mimics MS and to be honest if it is your Anxiety is working overtime you need that squashed. You have a condition that seems to have been proven, your GP would have performed tests to confirm your problem.

My condition is now developing in various uncertain ways and I have been ill now for over thirty years. You will need further tests to confirm your Diagnosis. Given that reason see your GP, A treatment pathway will need to be worked out. However Anxiety concerns can show in ways along a pathway that can be quite misleading.

See your GP, I wish you luck that your imagination is working overtime.


Gjkas profile image
Gjkasโ€ข in reply to

Thanks for your help and advice.

It was a Neurologist that told me that I had Fibromyalgia 9 years ago. after i had a Brain Scan.

But when he had finished talking to me, he turned around to walk away , BUT the other Doctor that was with him said to me, BUT WE DID FIND 2 SMALL, and that's as far as she got because the Neurologist stopped her from telling me anything else.

I didn't see that lady Doctor again. I lost so much weight, i went down to 6 stone.

Have been in so much pain.

My legs and arms have got so weak.

When I talk, people can't always understand what i am saying. And sometimes i just can't talk .

I know what i want to say, but it just doesn't come out.

Even my eyes are not seeing properly. I have had the OUTSIDE CLINIC come out to my house to test my eyes 8 months ago. I paid over ยฃ300 for new glasses,but i have found that my eyes are getting as bad as they were just before I had my eyes tested. Even when I walk, my gait is not the same. Im walking sometimes like I'm drunk.

That could be the weakness i suppose???.

Do you know if you have these symptoms with Fibromyalgia. I am so frustrated and p....d off. I need some answers.

Have been to my G.P and she said she honestly don't know what to do with me.

I am already under Pain Management and they don't know what to do either. So where t heck do i go from there???????

Anyway Thanks for your help ๐Ÿ˜ฑ.Gjkas

โ€ข in reply toGjkas

I have also been to Pain Management and they generally would refer you to a department who could help you. My condition is PsA and I have problems with my neck and spine. They have started to give me injections of B12 every twelve weeks, also I take D3 to improve my joint conditions. I would imagine they will be wanting further scans of my Spine as My condition in now effecting bladder function The vits seem to be helping although at ten weeks the injections are running down. MS not only affects joints, bones and tendons it can also affect body functions. Not forgetting my eyes

If you are not sure it may be an idea to talk once more to your GP. I have seven disks in the neck that all have displacements, and can have a negative prognosis. I have just go through a mass of tests from Tilt Tables, manipulation and tests for Dementia. My problem now is I fall down quite a bit although the vits seem to prevent the dizziness

My other concern in the nerves and their sheves, nerve damage can be very painful, pins and needles cramps and numbness.

To be honest I would suggest talking to your GP, it may be one or two of your disks may be causing some pain especially if you have been lifting or bending excessive.

Try not to worry, the diagnosis of MS can take time to develop, you do not want to go down that pathway. It can be something quite normal the body cannot produce vit D and also has problems replacing B12, They are really helping me

See your DOCTOR, I am sixty nine so most of my concerns could be age related although my original condition has been problematic since 1984


Gjkas profile image
Gjkasโ€ข in reply to

Hu Bob, i am under a Rheumatologist, but he's referred me back to my Orthopaedic Consultant because all the medication he's tried me on for the Rheumatoid just don't agree with me one way or another.

Have already had 2 bones taken out of both hands because of the Rheumatoid. I also have Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis and Raynards Syndrome . Now my Orthopaedic Surgeon wants to do a Complete Wrist Replacement, but my PAIN Management Doctors have advised me against having it done .They don't think i would handle it very well. They said it wasn't done very often. Such a really complicated procedure..But id already made up my mind not to have it done anyway.

I was involved in a horrific car crash when I was 29 years old. I was sat in the front of the car next to the Driver ( He was killed instantly ).The Firemen had to cut me out of the car. I don't remember much about it. But my Dad had head injuries, my Mum even had to have her eyelids sewn back on. and my Sister lost the baby. Apparently we were going around a bend and the wheel of the car clipped an upraised manhole and we went into a roll There was a car behind us and he called 999.

I was unconscious ,can't remember anything about it Just heard voices in the very far distance Had Spinal injuries, but glad that I couldn't remember anything about it

I know that a lot of my problems can be age related as well. But up until 10 years ago I didn't look my Age, didn't act my age, i was a right nutter..I've had a Heart Problem for many years but ive never let it stop me doing anything .

Now they can't find a Surgeon that would replace my 2 Heart Valve's because they told me that I wouldn't survive the operation.

I have COPD and Asthma, a16 cm Haitus Hernia, an Umbilical Hernia,Diverticulitis and query CHRONES DISEASE.

I was in Hospital in April because my G.P thought I'd had a stroke .While I was in there they did several tests and Scans Then came back and told me that I had an Enlarged Liver, Blocked Bile Duct Cyst on the Pancreas and Gallstones, also have Cyst on the KIDNEY. They thought it was Pancreatic Cancer.

My Mum had Pancreatic Cancer and she passed away 6 months after being diagnosed, BLESS HER.

But since then, my Liver is nearly normal and my Bile Ducts seem to be clear. But they think my Gallbladder itself is causing problems and they said it needs to come out. I'm so fed up of it all The pain is never ending. Have to see the Anaesthetist 1st to see if I can have a General Anaesthetic.

Have a few more Health problems as well. Not handling things very well anymore.

Seeing PAIN MANAGEMENT .DOCTORS next week..But they don't know what else to try me on.

I wonder if they would give me a bottle of ARSENIC

I can only but try.

I'll let you know what they say when I ask them..

I am 75 years old now and had enough of it all.

Thanks for your help and advice

My Friend. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ. This is me. Gjkas x

NWGal profile image

MS is a neurological condition that destroys the protective coating (myelin) that surrounds the nerves. MS causes the body to mistake the healthy myelin that surrounds the nerves as foreign.

MS destroys the myelin and eventually causes the nerves to no longer be able to function as they should. Over time, MS can completely destroy the myelin. It may then begin attacking and destroying the nerves themselves. Those with Fibermyalgia usually have widespead, chronic pain for at least 3 months that is not otherwise explained. Those with MS have numbness and tingling along with the chronic pain. There are some specific antibodies associated with MS that would require a sample of spinal fluid to be extracted. People with Fibermyalgia are more likely to suffer memory issues, mood changes and chronic fatigue (mostly due to sleep disorders like sleep apnea). Folks with MS are more likely to suffer difficulty walking, slurred speech and vision problems. As you may know there is no "test" to diagnose Fibermyalgia - diagnosis is made more often based on the symptoms associated with it. Hope this info helps! Good karma friend.

Gjkas profile image
Gjkasโ€ข in reply toNWGal

Thankyou my Friend . Gjkas

โ€ข in reply toGjkas

You mention MS, this is how my PsA presents itself, they are trying as a last resort B12 and D3.

I as well were involved in a car smash up I skidded and went into a sandstone wall the bonnet lid came of as did the cylinder Head and other parts of the engine that ended up on the far side of the A1. The Windscreen came out hole and ended up on the road in one piece. I was caught between clutch and Gear transmission tunnel. The had to cut me out by the cutting drivers door out and the use of jaws of Life. I was off work for over six months with all the damage to my body. I was restricted at work for over twelve months.

After that and all the infections I developed PsA and that was the beginning of my retirement ten years later. This accident happened in 1976.

So now I am beginning to further reap the reward of something that happened when I was twenty six years old

Discuss with the Pain Clinic if you are producing enough B12 They can check and like me may find some benefit from an injection every twelve weeks.

My condition seems to be affecting my Bladder and Eyes, I now have diabetes as I am unable to exersiise

We carry on the best we can, even at sixty nine years old


Gjkas profile image
Gjkasโ€ข in reply to

Yes we try to carry on the best way we can.

BUT FOR HOW MUCH LONGER .I haven't been out of the house for over 5 years except to keep Hospital Appointments, and that's only because my Husband practically drags me there.

When I get back home i just feel worse than before I went. I don't see the point of going anymore.

Perhaps when they take my Gallbladder out i may feel a little better???๐Ÿคž Fingers crossed.

Take Care Gjkas

โ€ข in reply toGjkas

I was very much like you however I used to drive everywhere and I had so many appointments. Even now I have problems even going to the Dentist is a problem because I am unable to open my mouth and jaw, so they need to sedate me. Now as I am getting older, they do not want to put me at risk because they are being forced to do fillings and extractions under a general Anesthetic.

We can pay a heavy price if disabled.

Good Luck, Keep a hold


Madlizzy profile image
Madlizzyโ€ข in reply toNWGal

They are oglioglonal bands in the spinal fluid. You have to have those and other things on the checklist for MS.

Want2BHappy3 profile image

Fibromyalgia is a hard thing to diagnose? A close friend of mine had it, from what she's going through, I don't know how she does it? They take blood test and there are other symptoms they look for? Good luck

Dolphin14 profile image

I think your anxiety stems from the other doctors half statement in the room the day of the scan.

Get the results of the scan and bring it to the GP. Have them tell you what else was on the scan. Mayb that will settle your mind a bit.

Gjkas profile image
Gjkasโ€ข in reply toDolphin14

I have told my G.P what I heard in the room on the day of the Scan.

She looked on the computer in her room and said. OH YES,HERE IT IS.


But they haven't. I know what i heard.

I know what that young lady Doctor said to me before she was stopped so abruptly.

But no one will tell me. .

Thankyou for your help and advice..Gjkas.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14โ€ข in reply toGjkas

That's not right

Talk about a source of stress

Gjkas profile image
Gjkasโ€ข in reply toDolphin14

I know it's not, because I know what i heard. Not good enough is it.

It's our bodies.

I doubt that ill ever find out now because it was about 8 years ago..

The thing is that, THE DOCTOR'S STICK TOGETHE.

Thanks for your reply. Gjkas

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14โ€ข in reply toGjkas

Push the system. I would imagine the record has to be saved somewhere?

Gjkas profile image
Gjkasโ€ข in reply toDolphin14

Loved that. PUSH THE SYSTEM.


Gjkas x

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14โ€ข in reply toGjkas


Gjkas profile image
Gjkasโ€ข in reply toDolphin14

Yeah,๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿคž.Thanks Dolphin. x

โ€ข in reply toGjkas

Demand to speak to the GPโ€™s office manager and explain what you heard and that you were NOT fully told the complete rundown of your results.

This is so inappropriate and it truly bothers me that your own doctor wonโ€™t even answer your question.

Gjkas profile image
Gjkasโ€ข in reply to

Have already spoke to the GPS office manager. She's a really nice lady, but she said that she can't get involved with anything like that. Because it's to do with medical information..So i am at a loss there as well..

Ive been thinking about changing my G.P anyway. Don't know what to do for the best .Thanks for your advice. Gjkas.

Mrspjsmom profile image

Please get a second opinion.

Gjkas profile image
Gjkasโ€ข in reply toMrspjsmom

How do I go about getting a second opinion???

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot. Gjkas.

Mrspjsmom profile image

Without knowing the specifics about your insurance coverage and who you see I would either ask your therapist, call your insurance company or ask your primary care provider. But I really think you should have someone look into the possibility it could be MS.

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