so I came off my meds back in May and recently came back on them, now I have this horrible impending doom feeling that I’m going to die young (it doesn’t help I have bad death anxiety) can someone please tell me I’m not crazy
a feeling I can’t shake: so I came off... - Anxiety and Depre...
a feeling I can’t shake

You are not at all crazy kuroe...between restarting your medication and being sick is
just complicating the issue for a while. In allowing the chest infection to clear up
as well as giving your med time to reach full efficacy again, you WILL be okay.
Hope you feel better soon. xx
I actually am having that feeling right now, I started feeling my heart race and become short of breath and dizzy and then the impending doom came over me. It drives me absolutely nuts because st that moment I can’t differentiate if it’s anxiety or real. Then I freak even more. You’re not crazy or if you are than I am too, so at least we’re not alone. I just wish there was like a way to know how to tell it to stfu and it actually work
I know the feeling, I also suffer from health/anxiety about death , it has stopped me doing and enjoying many things in my life. I've been off meds for about 6 months too and trying to decide if I should go back on them again or not. I often think I'm going crazy !! Hold tight friend and hopefully the feelings will pass for us both 😊
I hate the doom feeling.
I just have to keep reminding myself my brain can’t know the future so it’s lying with its chemicals again.
I don’t know the future. It’s a feeling and feelings lie.
I’m so sorry you have this. Sending you peace💛
Your not going crazy. Anxiety makes us think of scary thoughts.
life is ......a BOOM not a doom...and you will get through this my dear, the fact that you are sharing about it means a big sign of healing. Try and make friends with life and take a day at a time and concetrate on the present. Big HUGS to you Kuroe.
Your not crazy! I have the same anxiety! I’ve been obsessed with dying since I was little. I’m still here at 51. Panic attacks and everything. Nobody really helped me. Lol. If I hear we are all going to die one more time. I just lost my bff a few months back to cancer. I watched a slow horrible death. I try to live in the day. Good luck. You will be fine. We all have our fears. Your still young, so try to relax about everything! ❤️
Kuroe, I am sure you are realizing that you are responding to your medication differently than some else has. That is normal! I realize being depressed is no walk in the park, matter a fact, at times it is a deep feeling deep within our soul. So deep at seems nobody can or will be able to understand. We understand.
This site is a stable, empathetic and understanding resource, that you can use at your own free will.
You matter and what your feeling and going through is important so if YOU FEEL YOUR BODY IS TRYING TO SAY SOMETHING, listen to it! Your doctor needs to fit you, not the other way around. Rememer that! So if you need a doctor with a bed side matter, meaning they take time with you and do not cut you off and rush out of the room. If your doctor is not What you need find one now so you do not settle and possible fall between the cracks w your health. Find a doctor that connects with you. When you call to make an appointment ask the receptionist if there is a doctor there that is really down to earth and would make you feel comfortable.
Also, make sure you surround yourself with positive, kind, INSPIRING PEOPLE.
Best of luck. It will get better.
You are not crazy. My daughter felt like she was going to die all the time, until she was put on the right meds for her. Maybe you need to speak to your doctor about trying something else. Just because it worked awhile ago doesn't mean it's gonna work now. Be patient. You have a great life ahead of you, just hold on.