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The effects of coming off anti-depressants, anyone gone through this?

ArtyF profile image
14 Replies

It's really nice to join this forum and have a chance to speak with people who might be going through similar experiences.

I was put on antidepressants (citalopram/cimpramil 20mg) when I was around 18 for anxiety and OCD and continued on them for over 10 years! I recently decided, that I was ready to come off. I first reduced my dose by half for around 3/4 months and then by a quarter for a few weeks. Initially, I didn't feel any major side effects, but around 4 weeks ago after stopping completely, found myself having side effects. Mainly, feeling anxious, emotional, crying spells and feeling desperate. It's been going on around 4 weeks now and I'm feeling mentally confused at times. Has anybody felt this after coming off anti-depressants, or know if this is normal or a thing, or of a relapse into depression? I'm worried about because it feels familiar to those feelings over 10 years ago. Any support or advice us really appreciated.

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ArtyF profile image
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14 Replies
Cmarie12 profile image

Hi ArtyF,

Sounds like your antidepressant was doing its job. Those don't sound like side effects, they sound like anxiety and depression. Did you consult your doctor about the best way of weaning yourself off your meds? Or perhaps trying something different?

I'm not sure if your condition was situational when you were first put on your medication or if you've been dealing with anxiety, depression and OCD for as long as you can remember. It would be fabulous if when we're in a good place we could just stop taking our meds. Just think, if you were a diabetic and felt great, would you stop taking insulin?

Just food for thought...



ArtyF profile image
ArtyF in reply to Cmarie12

Thanks Marie, I appreciate you taking the time to respond. You are right, I have been dealing with ocd for as long as I can remember, thar was initially supported by CBT and talking therapy when I was around 13/14. A traumatic event when I was around 17 meant my doctor put my on citalopram 20mg when I was around 18, and I was on it since. There were times the doctor asked me if I wanted to come off, in the way of"do you still feel depressed", which at different junctures of my life I didn't feel ready, or truthfully felt scared to come off. I did feel it was a really long time to be on antidepressants and felt it was time to come off.

My doctor suggesting halving the dose for around 4-5 months, then eventually 1 every 2 days for around 4 weeks then stop. I have really been having a whole spectrum of lows and frustration, overthibkung and general low mood.

Cmarie12 profile image
Cmarie12 in reply to ArtyF

That is such good advice from your doctor. I believe you'll know within 4-5 months whether you can keep decreasing your ad, or you may feel that you're comfortable at the 1/2 amount.

I think everyone wants to get off their meds at least once, it's only naturally. It sounds like your doctor is on board and is there for you.

If it's something you really want to try...go for it! If after a month you just don't feel right, you can always change your mind and increase back to your current amount or maybe even try something different.

This is about you being invested in your own mental health so just remember to be kind to yourself.



Cmarie12 profile image
Cmarie12 in reply to ArtyF

Gosh Arty, I totally misread your've already gone thru the decreases and are currently off your meds. Is your doctor a physiatrist or a family doctor? Is your OCD still being managed?

Just take it one day at a time. Feel good with whatever you decide. Don't feel like you've failed yourself if you need the meds. Its all about the best way to manage your mental health.

Take good care of yourself.



NWGal profile image

You certainly came off the meds in the right way but I think perhaps they might have been working well for you and you should see your prescriber to resume them. Good karma my friend.

ArtyF profile image
ArtyF in reply to NWGal

Thank you for your support. It wasn't initially my idea to come off them, my doctor reviewed and said asked if I'm ready. This happened several times over the 10 years but at each point, I didn't feel ready, or had big things happening so felt like anxious to come off. I do think they were workng well, of course I had the odd days of low mood but quickly bounced back. Now it feels more like a Chor, and I'm just waiting to see if I can 'ride through it', not sure what thr point should be that I need to see the doctor again. What would you say?

NWGal profile image
NWGal in reply to ArtyF

Well, it's certainly your call but wonder why you are reducing the meds? Just wondering.

ArtyF profile image
ArtyF in reply to NWGal

Hi NW,

Sorry about the really late reply. I decided to reduce /come off them as I felt they were having an impact on my libido and I was also trying for a baby. My doctor suggested it was probably now time to come off them.

NWGal profile image
NWGal in reply to ArtyF

Makes sense to me!

2resistant profile image

Get back on it.

Agora1 profile image

Hi ArtyF I can only tell you my own experience in getting off 30 years of benzos in that

it took me 2 years of slow, safe weaning. Cutting dose minimally every 2 weeks. (until there

was practically dust particles). I was under the care and guidance of my psychiatrist who

used the Dr. Heather Ashton method of weaning. After stopping completely, it took another year plus in not feeling the symptoms breaking through. This was because the

brain had to adjust in learning how to make the chemicals it needed, naturally. One day

I felt a natural euphoria and I knew I was going to be okay.

So my suggestion is to check with your doctor, see what he has to say regarding possibly

your cutting the dosage too fast. I'm not a doctor, I can only tell you how great a feeling

it is to be off benzos (7 years now) I am on Lexapro and one day will wean off that but

for now I'll leave it be since I'm doing so well. I wish you well Arty...but it can take time

for symptoms to leave when you've been on medication for that length of time. xx

ArtyF profile image

Hi Agora,

Thank you for your message and sharing your story. I wondered the same, if I came off too fast. My dosage of 20mg was halved for around 4 months to 10mg and then one 10mg tablet every two days for around 4 weeks then stopped. In the period of the halved dose, I felt fine.

Around 3 weeks after stopping, I definitely felt my mood change. Initially, I was a lot more emotional, crying at things on TV and remember thinking, "if this is all that's going to happen, I'm OK with it. Crying is not a bad thing". Then came the random emotions, random crying and the start of feeling over emotional and random disprptionate emotions. This has led to feeling quite desparate at times and then feeling absolutely fine in the afternoon for example.

Like you say, it takes the brain some time for it to develop the right chemicals to replace the antidepressants, I'm wondering how long? And if my symptoms are normal or if I'm relapsing into a depression.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to ArtyF

Of course only your doctor would be able to see that in you because he

knows your health and mental history. However, it doesn't necessarily

have to mean you are sliding back into depression. I would give it some

time for your brain to readjust. If you feel you are unable to handle it, of

course talk with your prescribing physician regarding the side effects. xx

Yeh I did once coming off then after i got a job but then i lost my job so i had to go back on them,

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