Has anyone taken this drug long or short term? Does it work? Doc said for me to try some until i can get in to see a psychiatrist.
Gabapentin for my symptoms: Has anyone... - Anxiety and Depre...
Gabapentin for my symptoms

I took it short term (1 month) for nerve pain caused by shingles. It didn't really do anything besides make me really sleepy.
Yeah im gonna try it. I was prescribed it by a previous doc but never took it. Theres studies it can help for anxiety and mood disorder which i have.
Yeah, it definitely can't hurt. I didn't have any weird side effects from it at all and it was very calming. My brother has been on it for several years to help treat trigeminal neuralgia and after being on it for a while, the drowsy side effect wears off.
Hi Mike,
What symptoms are you referring to? I took it for peripheral neuropathy but it didn't seem to help much so I stopped it.
Read my previous posts.
If you’re really tired you’re be crazy tired that never wore off for me. Have they tried mertazapine? I wish my doc would give me that I used to break them in half take it two hours before bed. Natural herbs I’ve been reading up on are Noopept. Look into it. If your body isn’t accepting pharmaceuticals or your seratonin dopamine needs this does it. I was looking at a brand called Awake with long term your amino acids are a mess too I’ve had reflux so long I’m not getting my fish oils I was so healthy prior to my ordeal. Remember drugs are drugs. I’ve been studying how to get what I need because my stomach is so blown out from drugs and stress it won’t settle build up of lactic acid in body from adrenaline

Ive done everything natural and take so many natural supplements. Im turning to these meds because nothing has worked for me so far.

I took Gabapentin for neuropathy for several years. Over time I experienced fatigue and general fogginess (is that a word)? It did help with restless leg syndrome but not the nerve pain so much. Just don't quit it abruptly - withdrawal can be sort of tough. Good karma friend.
I already have fatigue and foggyness lol. Think it will worsen it?
I've been taking it several years for anxiety and it helps but is not a cure-all of course. But I remember the first time I took it I was really doubtful because I had tried a lot of other drugs that hadn't helped. But after about an hour I said Well I'll Be Damn!!!
I was prescribed this primarily for migraine relief, but was told it would also help my anxiety. I take a very low dose (200mg), but it has seemed to help the anxiety.
I’ve been on it for years. Only 400mg at night. I think it works well. Helps me sleep. Actually can’t sleep without it now which is a bummer. I take it for anxiety and mood as well. No side effects at all. Give it a try!
I was given gabapentin 300 ER 2x a day for anxiety. I was on it for a month or so and it didn’t help with anxiety. I just felt plain weird on it and I was getting forgetful and uncoordinated. I told my doctor I wanted off of the med and he gave me instructions on how to get off the med and then in the middle of of weaning I ended up with my moods fluctuating up and down, uncontrollable crying, and severe stomach pains. My stomach has not been the same since. It’s been a month. I’ve never had that kind of reaction to weaning off a med but everyone is different.