Hi, I am new to this site. Has anyone ever tried intensive outpatient therapy for anxiety and depression in the dfw area and if so, did it help and would you recommend them?
Outpatient intensive treatment for de... - Anxiety and Depre...
Outpatient intensive treatment for depression

there are valid methods that people find. one of these
best solutions to overcome panic and anxiety. To know yourself also means getting informed and having something useful, to end panic and anxiety.
Panic Away Helping to End Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Attacks Naturally
info here and solutions
I've done intensive outpatient and it was a life saver. Will your insurance cover it?
Was it at a particular clinic? What types of things did they offer?
Welcome! I don’t know what the area you mean is but personally outpatient therapy is my favorite. My last was a DBT therapy for two weeks. Fantastic results.
Best of luck to you
Which clinic did you go to and how many days did you go?
I’m in the USA. I was at an inpatient to outpatient set up near Duke University so I could still work around my schedule. I just walked over and the group did DBT separately and together. I probably got further along with this than any other therapy. I’m a tactile and visual learner. I need people around. The whole program was 10 days. I went 6.
I did it twice and both times I didnt get what i needed. Part of the reason is there were people in my group who had other illnesses and would get of topic. The second time was DBT and it was fir the course of 5-6 weeks but i could only do 3 my car broke down. The first one was CBT and that was a worse experience for me. I dont do well in group settinhs with people with multiple illnesses. One man told me my depression was not real. Another man sexually harassed me. I was not comfortable. Everypne is dofferent. I will say thpugh the one on one counseling was wonderful and they also helped with medication. I wouldnt mind giving it another try just not arpund where i live because of my past experiences. I hope this helps you. Best wishes💗💗💗
Well, I’m sorry it didn’t help. I hope you can find the one on one counseling soon. I am finding I need more intensive help to change my way of thinking. I really don’t like taking meds. I’ve tried St. John’s wort and am currently on that. The sleep is what I’m struggling with for right now.
I'm sorry that was just my experience with the two yomes i went. I'm sure its different where ever you go. Can you go in just for an intale and maube see wjays its like. That should help you. As for meds they aren't for everyone but for me they help. As for sleep a natural supplement is. Passion flower and lemon balm both come in tea forms. I wish the best for you.
I might also add Im not near to a big city there are many farm towns I think thays why there is such limited support around me.
I appreciate the input. So the teas seem to help that much? How many hours sleep do you get?
Yes tgey do but as always check with your dr. Another natural remedy i have used to is called calm its for anxiety and sleep. You can get it at any pharmacy its magnesium. One night i did one glass of calm and lemon balm it knocked me out all night. Lol so dont mix unless you want to sleep like that