I push myself even when I don't want to. I can feel myself losing it I don't want to crack up in front of my kids and others. I feel like I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown any day out in public
I can't get of this dark place - Anxiety and Depre...
I can't get of this dark place

Do you have someone close to your to give you support like a partner? If you were to breakdown it would be ok, it happens and you would be able to rise again. Sometimes it’s even needed to just let it go to heal better. But I understand you worry for your kids in this case you need someone else with you that could take care of them without alerting the kids so you can take care,of yoursel. Maybe even have a few days away to regain some energy. I know it might not be possible but even one selfish night for yourself could be beneficial. Talk to friends and family and so if you breakdown it’s ok you can rebuild yourself with some help and care.
Take care of yourself!
And breathe a deep breath and breathe again. One more. You push yourself to work, to clean, to shop, to cook? To be a good mum and take care of your children. That’s admirable, but if you have no one just now, who takes care of you? You need to snatch a few minutes here and there for yourself to learn to relax and to tell yourself how well you are doing and that everything is ok. Don’t be frightened of asking for some help either.
I think you‘re panicking. No shame if you crack up. It’s another way of telling those around you that you need some help.
Stop pushing. Nobody likes being shoved. Make your world a little smaller for a while until life becomes more manageable and all will be well. I mean that sincerely.
I used to feel the same way last winter. But things did get better. ((hugs))
allow yourself to unload all that you have inside, if you have a friend or a family member who you can speak to.. reach out! take it a day at a time, instead of having to do lists, have a to be list and pick one thing you want to focus on big hug!
I rather tell strangers how I feel because others don't get it don't care and will tell ppl your business
I can't steal time for myself because I'm always having to see how I'm gonna pay this or how I'm gonna be able to get through a work day. The job is very strenuous on my body. I'm really not supposed to be working but I have to I don't want to be homeless etc but physically and mentally I'm not stable to work without issues arisen