Love...yeah ok: Am I worthy and... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Love...yeah ok

13 Replies

Am I worthy and deserving of love? Will I ever meet a girl who will accept me with my mental disorders? I've always avoided this topic for years and suppressed it deep down. But now I feel I'm gonna live with regret that I won't find someone, that even if I turned back time I'd still wouldn't be able to do anything about it. I don't know I feel I'm really pathetic right about now. I hate my social anxiety so much of what it's done to me.....I hate it.

13 Replies

You can’t think like this. If you want to find love. Love yourself. You can’t expect someone to love you until you love yourself. Social anxiety and all. You can’t give what you don’t have. You are worthy of love. Accept that and believe it. Then love will find you. Don’t dwell on the past. Love is organic and will happen when you least expect it.

in reply to

I guess I do love myself. But there are times I'm like, I don't have a chance with anyone no matter how much I love myself. I guess I'm not the type of guy women are looking for. But Thank you for reaching out and caring! I deeply appreciate it.

fauxartist profile image

We project to others how we feel about ourselves.....and if we feel worthless...what value would anyone see in investing time in us. We all are lovable...and it's up to you to find your positives, and work on those. Many of us with this disease forget the good things about ourselves and dwell on the negative. Sometimes doing some work on why you’re in this mindset and what in your life has you feeling this way. We all have something that affects our disease as well as the fact that depression just makes us feel bad sometimes, it’s chemical in part, and not our fault. We didn't do anything to cause this, and we have to learn to live with this disease, not let this disease dictate how we live our lives.

We attract those to ourselves who are at the same level of emotional health….so this is good reason to do some self help work, find some group therapy, one on one, and do some extensive online reading about working on your image and self esteem. I have had a lifetime of abuse that destroyed my self esteem for many decades….and finally I had just got tired of it frankly. I see all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds of people in relationships, no better or worse off than me…..and after some work and time to get my act together, I did find someone….even at my age… can you. The thing is though, be sure you get into a relationship for the right reasons; mutual respect, honesty, unconditional love, and kindness to me were the ticket. Just because your lonely isn’t the only reason to get together with someone

in reply to fauxartist

I agree with what you said. I know. I'm not wanting someone just because I'm alone. I want someone for all the right reasons, not the wrong ones just to be with someone. I hope I can find a woman who accepts and loves me, just like I would with her. Thank you for replying to me! I appreciate it alot.

in reply to fauxartist

You said everything I was trying to say. I bow to your communication skills.

Sunandrose87 profile image

I feel that people with anxiety care so much deeply

NWGal profile image

You are worthy! We're in this together! With all my mental disorders someone found me and we've been married for over 25 years, so it's possible. There are people out there who love unconditionally. Good karma coming your way sweetie!

in reply to NWGal

I appreciate the kind words but I'm not worthy not even close. I want to find love but I know I'm not worthy of it yet or maybe I just really won't find anyone.

I keep hoping I do meet someone whenever that may be. I hope it happens. Hopefully I'm worthy of love. Idk.

Wow! Over 25 years! That's honestly amazing! God Bless you both!

rehoudek profile image

Where do you live?

in reply to rehoudek

I live in NJ. How bout you?

rehoudek profile image
rehoudek in reply to


Sunshine425 profile image

You are so worthy! Sounds like you need to start believing in yourself. Plus its better to wait for the right person, save you all the drama and heartbreak. I wasted 7 years of my life being depressed and dating all the wrong people. I was never able to grow as a person being with such toxic people. No one tried to understand me or would "put up with me" life in general can be so lonely in this big crazy world... dont be your own worst enemy. I recently posted about things that I do to help me find peace& happiness if you need any support...

in reply to Sunshine425

I'm trying to think positive about me being worthy of love. But my mind is at a constant struggle, going back and forth from positive to negative thoughts about myself all the time. Then the anxiety and depression hits me. But thank you for taking the time and replying! I appreciate everyone's caring words! 😊

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