30 days in psych ward: Has anyone who’s... - Anxiety and Depre...

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30 days in psych ward

EmbraceMyweirdness profile image

Has anyone who’s ever been in a psychiatric hospital have trouble adapting outside in the real world. I’m not functioning properly in school and I know this might sound crazy but I miss the routine and how my days were planned out

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35 Replies

I never been admitted to a psych ward. It would make sense for a person to need time to adjust after being in a routine like that. We like things that are familiar to us.

EmbraceMyweirdness profile image
EmbraceMyweirdness in reply to

It has been 2 weeks and I’m still having trouble I’m thinking of dropping out this semester and go back when I’m more stable

in reply to EmbraceMyweirdness

I think that makes sense. Why add more stress on yourself while you are adjusting. Maybe you can take a online course? Just one. You would still be moving towards your school goals and helping yourself.

Yes. I was in for two months,involuntary. It was like jail where we had to be locked in, walk in a line, etc. When I got out it took around a year to adapt, not to mention it was traumatic. It did regulate my meals, exercise, sleep, showering. I didn't have to think about what to do and when. Didn't have to take care of kids or husband so it was all about me. It will just take some time.

EmbraceMyweirdness profile image
EmbraceMyweirdness in reply to

I’m sorry it was a traumatic experience for you, we weren’t being locked in but I was on constant watch because of the reason behind my stay, I think being in there made me feel like I could be vulnerable and not having to fake being okay I was in a really bad place and they understood and wanted to help

in reply to EmbraceMyweirdness

So glad it helped you. 😁

UnbalancedLibra profile image

Yes the same here - The place I dreaded to be sent to became the place I didn't want to leave and yes it'll take time to readjust - I'd even recommend just reminding people that you are trying your best but it'll take some time.

It's amazing how quickly we become institutionalised .

EmbraceMyweirdness profile image
EmbraceMyweirdness in reply to UnbalancedLibra

My parents have been extremely supportive I just wish I could have more time before being push back into society I’m trying to find a way to use what I learned into my regular days but I’m really having a hard time

UnbalancedLibra profile image
UnbalancedLibra in reply to EmbraceMyweirdness

I feel for you because I remember how difficult it was for me the first 3 months after being discharged - People seemed to have the attitude of well you are out now so you are back to 'normal' , Like you my parents were very supportive and understood I couldn't jump straight into the deep end over night!

Just remember you are doing fine , you've been through alot and things will take time.

When I was in high school, I was admitted to one (though it was only for a short week, I can't imagine a full month). After that, I was sent to a school that supported therapy sessions for the last two years of high school.

Personally, I was eager to get out of both places as I was mentally and physically abused at both locations. However, the structure of the high school setting with therapy wasn't too bad. It served its purpose, but I don't miss it. But I could certainly see how having structure would be missed as some people thrive on that.

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to

Whaaaaattt????? Abused in both places you were sent to for healing? Both physically and mentally? That is appalling!! And I'm so sorry that this happened to you! You were hurting and trying to heal and then these heiness injuries happened!! This is so wrong! Where do you live? Was any of this reported to the right place? Were multiple staff persons guilty of these crimes? Have you had counseling at no cost for these crimes against you? Have you been able to recover from these awful crimes? You are in my prayers for these things to not bother you anymore. 🌸🌿🌷☘️🙏🌺💓💙❤️💜💝

in reply to BonnieSue

To be fair, I was SO young and my parents had no idea what to do. They had no idea what depression was, so they panicked because I had attempted suicide, so they just threw me into a mental hospital so I would be safe. But they had no idea that the hospital I was emitted to was filled with all sorts of people; kids who had murdered others, ones being left there temporarily to be moved to juvenile cells, folks who had substance abuse...the list really goes on. As I mentioned, I was only there roughly four to five days. However, in that short span of time, a girl managed to rip a chunk of my hair out, a kid went nuts and threw a chair across the room (missing everyone thankfully) and I was kicked in the stomach and punched in the face my last day. It was more like a jailhouse than a place of healing (they take everything away from you, watch you shower and sleep). I truly had no business being there.

The school was somewhat better, but you're surrounded by a lot of other angry, abused kids who take their frustrations out on you. I think the issue there was that I was really whiny about my issues, which then make me a target for other kids who were dealing with much worse circumstances, so some picked on me. One girl locked me into a closet with her and threatened to punch me in the face. Another girl that I befriended would occasionally hit me and play it off like she was kidding. But even the counselors there lost their patience with me and one of them told me to 'get over it'.

Seriously, I could go on and on about what happened in the past. But despite telling my mom about what I felt comfortable with, not much could be done. At least not in the mental hospital since it was such a short experience. I live off the East coast, so both places aren't far from where I live. Overall, I am over most of what happened. Much like everything else, you learn to live with it, but you never forget the pain. It doesn't haunt me and I can freely talk about it now. But I suffered from PTSD as soon as I got out of the hospital and my depression was still pretty bad when I finished high school.

A lot of the experiences I dealt with left me feeling jaded about friendships, trust, and human interactions in general. Especially considering that not many people sympathized with me, so I learned to deal with much of my sadness alone because I knew not many people would care. Those that chose to help really made a difference, but it usually wasn't many. The few good things I will say that came out of all of this is that I feel I can help others because I survived all that and am living a relatively normal life (even though I still suffer from depression from time to time). That and it gives you the strength to deal with difficult problems. But that's just my two cents on the matter.

Thank you so much for your kind words, they mean so much.

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to

It amazes me what passes for healthcare at these institutions. Public institutions possibly using public funds allowing such abuse??? This is horrible! I'm so glad you can say you're doing as well as you are! Please call on me for whatever you want...to vent or just listen...anything I can help with. ok? I'm saddened that you ever went through this.

in reply to BonnieSue

Seriously. It's insane, I honestly have no idea myself. It was so long ago and I would assume that things in the mental health care department have changed since I was a teenager. The reviews for the hospital I stayed at were abysmal, so not a shock to me given its location.

One of my friends emitted herself a month or two ago without a hitch, so I was really happy that she didn't experience anything negative in her stay. She said everyone was so nice and very helpful with her needs (she was having suicidal thoughts). Then again, she lives in an entirely different state than me, so I really hope others who have problems here are able to be safe like she was able to be. I would never wish what happened to me upon anyone, not even my worse enemy.

Thank you for being so kind and actually reading my reply and responding so graciously. I really appreciate your kindness and offer to speak. I'll most certainly take you up on that offer.

in reply to BonnieSue

I was abused at my place too, mentally and physically by staff and sexually assaulted by a patient. They don't care, especially at state hospitals. We were a laughing stock to them. I was a professional nurse even with years of wisdom like many and they just saw crazy. A bunch of young kids I call them on staff, like twenties maybe. They don't realize yet how you can go from normal every day living to having a breakdown and needing help yourself. Bless them when s*** hits the fan in their perfect lives. 😇

BonnieSue profile image
BonnieSue in reply to

I'm saddened and sorry for your sake to know how badly you were treated when you needed to be cared for gently instead. This is so wrong, actually criminal. I hope you've been able to heal from some of it. I find all this appalling and scary and sickening all at once. Gentle hugs to you from me.

in reply to BonnieSue

Thank you. It took some time but I am much better now. I have ptsd from it but it too will pass.

in reply to

I am so sorry to hear you had a similar experience. Granted, I can't imagine dealing with something as horrifying as sexual assault in a place where you're supposed to be safe. This saddens me so much given you should have been taken care of, not abused. Thank you for opening up about this. As much as I don't want others to experience this, I am glad I'm not alone. It's very traumatic and not many people know what it's like to go through any of that.

in reply to

Thank you. Yes it can be very dramatic. It is sad that we are seen as throw away people. I am healed now and thriving in my nursing job and with my family. It could be any one of us and I wish staff could understand that but they never will. There will always be people like that in our lives. I am a stronger person because of it all.

in reply to

Exactly. What I really appreciate is that you were able to overcome this and use it to help other people. I'm really glad you're able to live your life comfortably now as well. I'm sure you're an excellent nurse and help tons of people :)

in reply to

Thank you. Yes I have no choice but overcome what comes my way and use it to my benefit. I am so blessed to be a nurse for 26 years. I absolutely love it!!

in reply to

You have a fantastic attitude about it. You can allow the past to make or break you. Seeking to better yourself from painful memories gives you the chance to really mature and see things so differently. Wow, congrats! That's wonderful!

in reply to

Thank you. Don't get me wrong, I had times when I was feeling sorry for myself but now I just thank God for the lessons I have learned along the way. It's much more productive.

in reply to

So did I, but that's just being human. No one is going to dust their shoulders off that easily after something so inhumane. Just like you said, it comes down to what you DO with that experience. You truly appreciate things in life others may not and you can teach others how valuable living is. I'm really so thrilled you handled your situation in such a positive manner.

in reply to

Thank you so much. Yes it was awful as is having an unemployed husband and living with my mother in law but if I see the positives like my daughter is thriving in this family environment, I am closer to my mil when I don't have family, we spent time with my father in law who just recently passed and we are here for my mil. Some would wallow in their sorrows over all these disappointments but because I am older and have more wisdom I can see the positives. It's all a matter of perspective and attitude. It can go both ways but I think everything happens for a reason and I learn lessons along the way. Why fight it when I can just go with it and enjoy the ride. Someday we will get back on our own but this time even though difficult is priceless in the end.

in reply to

You're very welcome! You're a great example here. I am so glad you wrote this all out for others to see. It's SO valuable considering a lot of people on this site are young and just don't understand things the way you do. Situations (good and bad) will happen regardless, but you can adjust your way of thinking to cope.

Yes, you certainly have had your fair share of unfortunate circumstances, but you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps to get through it. Especially for the sake of your daughter. Nothing is easy, but that to me is what makes life worth living in some ways. It makes the benefits of your fight even more real as you stuck through it. My mom has also been through some unimaginably painful experiences, so I truly admire and commend anyone who can come out of any of that with a smile on their face.

Absolutely! You have the right idea there :) I am sure your daughter looks up to you and appreciates you very much.

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Thank you. That's much appreciated.

EmbraceMyweirdness profile image
EmbraceMyweirdness in reply to

I’m in college and seeing a psychiatrist once a week and I’m still having trouble adapting

in reply to EmbraceMyweirdness

I am sure with time, things will get better. Hang in there.

knittinbitch profile image

That is not crazy at all.... I am on psychiatry now so I understand what you mean.

EmbraceMyweirdness profile image
EmbraceMyweirdness in reply to knittinbitch

Thank you for understanding I thought maybe I lost my marbles

Want2BHappy3 profile image

What was going on with you that, that happened to You and for how long?

EmbraceMyweirdness profile image
EmbraceMyweirdness in reply to Want2BHappy3

Not a subject I want to discuss

Want2BHappy3 profile image
Want2BHappy3 in reply to EmbraceMyweirdness

I respect that

EmbraceMyweirdness profile image
EmbraceMyweirdness in reply to Want2BHappy3

Thank you

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