Hiya. I’m new to this and this is my first time posting. I’m here because...well to put it bluntly I’m out of options. I suffer from generalized and social anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD, severe depression, binge eating disorder, minor Tourette’s and anger issues. I’m too broke to go to therapy and my dad doesn’t believe mental health issues exist so he doesn’t think I need it and won’t help me. I’m at a point now where I don’t feel anything anymore. I’m tired all the time, I never do anything and I cannot find the motivation to get out of bed in the morning. It feels like I’m already dead to be honest. I’m wondering if anyone here has any insight onto these things. Any at all would help. If you read that big ass paragraph thank you. I look forward to hearing from everyone here.
Hello.: Hiya. I’m new to this and this... - Anxiety and Depre...

I'm really sorry you are dealing with all of this. You are not alone. You are dearly loved and adored by your Creator. Have you ever heard of the Attacking Anxiety and Depression program by Lucinda Basset? It's hard but, it changed my life.
HI Jordan--tell me a little about yourself. I am 60+(my that is a big number--at one doing I was sure I wouldn't make it) and have a business. Should have plenty of reasons to sail through the days... not. You are reaching out for help so welcome.
There’s not much else to tell tbh. I’m a 19 year old college student in computer tech, I play a lot of video games. They’re one of the few things that actually make me feel much now to be honest with you. That’s all I can think of to tell that’s semi interesting though XD thank you for the welcome. I hope being in this group will help a lot
Hey JordanAC, sounds like life is quite rough for you right now, and my impression is that you don't feel supported by your father.
Therapy and medication can def help you get to more positive mind spaces, and help stabilize you, but I also realize they can be quite costly esp if you have to pay everything yourself.
I have a lot of similar mental health challenges as you, and found that belonging to a supportive community has been a life saver. A few months ago I started volunteering at a yoga studio (it's called energy exchange program and exist in many yoga studios). Essentially you help set up the studio, clean props, clean change rooms, in exchange for free yoga classes. By doing so, you gradually get introduced to a lovely community of kind people, you get to know the regulars and the teachers. In the yoga studio I go to, people tend to respect other people's silence and sense of boundaries. It's a very good place to start if you're shy or socially anxious. Not to mention you can get lots of exercise, and calmness through yoga.
Just know you are not out of options. There are many solutions out there, the key is to ask questions to ppl around you just as you did here today, and listen with an open heart.
I have hope you'll find something that works for you. Take care and I wish you all the best 💓
Welcome to the community. It’s a wonderful resource, with caring, knowledgeable people. You are never out of options, IMHO. Keep posting.