I been going through some hard times for the last 4 months I been running to the er every other week and the doctors keep telling me the same thing I worn a heart monitor I took all kind of test the only thing was found is when I wore the heart monitor the fox said my heart was beating fast and I didn’t even know it what’s going on with me any help
What’s going on with me : I been going... - Anxiety and Depre...
What’s going on with me

Hi there! I had the same feeling last week.. all you have to do is to try to take a deep breath... and dont overthink..
Hi trina I would question whether it is health anxiety or depression I would err on the side of caution as that it is proberley health anxiety! Go back to your doctor and ask if he can refer you for tests with a phycologist to see if this is a deeper problem the sooner you see your doctor the better I wish you all the best david
Hi Trina,
What you described is what many, and I mean MANY, of us Health Anxiety sufferers have been through and still go through. It is always important to err on the side of caution when you feel like something is wrong with you, medically. But it is also important to try and take a step back and look at the facts after you've received the results from the numerous tests. From what I am gathering, you've been tested and imaged for what you suspect is heart problems. It sounds like those tests have resulted in finding zero issues physically wrong with your heart. Which is a great thing.
When you have health anxiety it is incredibly hard to get past the symptoms that are creating the fear. For myself, I have been where you are and believed that I was having heart related problems for a very long time. I have had all the tests you can have and all have come back negative. It still took a long time for me to accept that, because I was still feeling symptoms. This is the anxiety. It latches onto your fears, sometimes even ones you don't know you have yet, and creates a monster when there isn't one. I struggle with Health Anxiety still, I have lightheaded spells where I fear I am going to pass out. I have been to the hospital countless times, seen several doctors and they all say it's my anxiety. That is a hard thing to swallow and accept. My mind say's "How can it be anxiety if I am feeling real symptoms?" but I have to remember, anxiety can mimic almost anything. It can make you believe you are dying so quickly, but anxiety cannot kill you. It cannot follow through on that threat it's creating.
Are you taking any medicine for anxiety, do you see a therapist, or have you tried meditation? Some of these options are very helpful in treating health anxiety. Ultimately, you have to do what you feel is right for you. If that means going to the hospital once a week, then go. But know that you will 99% of the time get the same answer, it's anxiety.
I am here if you need to talk, I understand what you are going through, and hope that you find relief soon. To always feel and believe you have some deadly or terminal illness is an incredibly horrific way to live.
💜 Ash
I’m no doctor but it sounds like your having panic or anxiety attacks. Have you seen you regular doctor to discuss your symptoms and possible triggers?
You need to understand you have nothing wrong, tests become more invasive as you worry more and more. You need to stop worrying and move on to better times.
If you keep worrying about your health, the more you will frighten yourself
If not make a list of your concerns and that appointment to your GP or Specialist. This will help you explain your problems in a more inclusive way, you will get more out of the appointment that way
I've heard this so many times people with anxiety doing this. You should be going to counciling. Your going to end up with additional Stress financially your insurance company is going to start billing You for the excessive visits. Everything has it's limits? I know when you're having a anxiety attack it's a easy go to the ER.