I am looking for some daily practices to get better at anxiety. I already sleep well, walk/exercise, and eat generally healthy. I have tried meditation with some luck but nothing has really significantly reduced my anxiety. Let me know if you have anything else I should try or add to my routine that could help
General anxiety: I am looking for some... - Anxiety and Depre...
General anxiety
At night or when I'm anxious I list everything that's good in my life. I pray and say the serenity prayer. I listen to rain sounds on my phone to go to sleep to. In the busy mornings before work I think about one task at a time until I'm at work which is my happy place.
Thanks I usually feel most anxious when I am not busy/distracted. Add those suggestions to my list of things to try
I like listening to calming music and writing a diary/journal as and when I need to. You mention meditation helps you to some extent, have you ever looked into mindfulness techniques?
Yeah I have tried calm and headspace, they work well - hard for me to justify the monthly cost of those apps though

Maybe you could find a free alternative - perhaps on YouTube?
I don’t know enough about mindfulness but there are probably other resources out there - a quick google has found this free resource:

I use Insight Timer app. There are tons of FREE meditations that are available. You don’t need to sign up for a free trial; just use the app as is. I listen at night before bed and it helps me fall asleep.
Thank u
Have you tried concentrating on your breathing?
Take slow, deep breaths. Breath in to a count of four, then out for four. Increase the count if you feel comfortable.
Sip a a cup of cold water. Drink more water throughout the day.
Prayer (pray through everything ) , praise and giving thanks.
Yes that definitely helps... thank u for the reminders
I read a lot. Mysteries like books by James Patterson etc.
I go for weekly talk therapy via health insurance. It helps to talk things out.
Talk with a behavior health Dr. about medications. Some people can't function without that help. Sounds like you are on the right track, willing to make changes to help yourself and those around you.
Wish I had the magic pill to help you and help me. Distracting myself helps for a short time.
I just ordered Hope and help for your nerves by dr Claire weekes and it has helped me daily since. I highly recommend it! I also downloaded the Calm app and even my son loves to listen before he falls asleep. Hope this helps!
You're already doing some great stuff for anxiety! And it's wonderful that you're asking for more ideas. Lots of ideas from others, but no one mentioned staying off of social media, which is a HUGE anxiety-producer. Other things to avoid that cause anxiety are caffeinated drinks, isolation, and watching too much news (!).
Do you have any unresolved issues in your life that are causing anxiety, such as a past trauma, an unresolved issue in a relationship, something you deeply regret, etc.? The thing is, meds and distraction and exercise are band-aids over the CAUSE of the anxiety. If you want to get to the root, counseling would help.
For me, what helps the most is my relationship with Christ. He desires to heal and restore us, to give us a joyful life, to be our comforter/helper/teacher/counselor, and to always be with us and never forsake us. I don't know what your feelings and thoughts are about Jesus, but I sure know a lot of people who get all their ideas from popular culture & media rather from the source (the Bible). Also, there are a lot of what my pastor calls "jerks for Jesus" who have done and said terrible things to others and given Him a bad name. For this I am so sorry, especially if you've been hurt by a Christian. If the things I said in the 2nd sentence above appeal to you, I wonder if you'd consider reading the book of John or Mark in the New Testament and getting to know who Jesus really is? I only say this not to be preachy, but because it's hard not to share the ONE THING that has made the biggest difference in my life, changed & healed me, and given me joy beyond my greatest expectation. My life isn't perfect, nor am I, but He is my rock that has changed everything.
I hope you find help, hope, healing, and encouragement from this post and others.