I’ve been suffering with Anxiety and depression since I was 7yrs old due to having undergone sexual abuse for many yrs I’ve been trying to fight this pain the feeling of being alone but yet I have a partner and 2 children so I know I’m not but there’s still a deep black void inside me I’m now 31 and still suffering I hate feeling so alone in this world
Is there any chance : I’ve been... - Anxiety and Depre...
Is there any chance

You're not alone ❤️ there are many ppl on this forum with similar experiences xxx
Definitely not alone. Keep sharing and you will see. We are listening. You will find support here. I am sorry for your pain.
I believe so as that’s what my doctors say and I’m on antidepressants 2 kinds and taking the highest dose but i don’t ever feel like there helping me it’s like nothing helps I’ve had one to ones with specialists about my childhood and as I’ve grown and other things I’ve had to deal with alone but it never helped me as the things she was asking me was about my childhood and everything down to the most worst moments but the words couldn’t leave my mouth because I feel that if people was to know what happened to me they will look at me differently I guess In some way I understand that it wasn’t my fault but still the things that happened I just can’t seem to talk about to anymore
I believe so as that’s what my doctors say and I’m on antidepressants 2 kinds and taking the highest dose but i don’t ever feel like there helping me it’s like nothing helps I’ve had one to ones with specialists about my childhood and as I’ve grown and other things I’ve had to deal with alone but it never helped me as the things she was asking me was about my childhood and everything down to the most worst moments but the words couldn’t leave my mouth because I feel that if people was to know what happened to me they will look at me differently I guess In some way I understand that it wasn’t my fault but still the things that happened I just can’t seem to talk about to anymore
It is hard to open up to others. But there is freedom there. I have not gone through nearly as much as you have. But even the things I have gone through are hard to get out of my mouth as well. I will pray for you. Keep talking it out here. You will see.
Thank you 🙏🏻 I’m hoping your prayer’s help me as this morning I’m having a very bad time everything has just got on top of me with fighting the pain of my cancer not being able to undergo my treatment as I’ve got the flu my youngest child had been bit by something and his had a very bad allergic reaction to what ever it was but he ended up in A&E with his whole body swollen from just a small bite his now on strong antibiotics and steroid’s to help his breathing I’m getting stress from my partner wanting more money from me that I really can’t afford I’m seeing my children holding on to hope everyday due to my cancer they know about it due to how bad it’s gotten but then they disrespect me at the same time just like my partner he takes me for granted I do everything in my household he see’s me crying as I’m trying to do everything and he don’t even offer to help me with anything he just sits there playing his Xbox I’m starting to wonder if this life will be better off without me because I don’t feel like I’m worth anything all I’m good for is doing everything in my house for my partner and children that’s it I’m trying so hard to keep it together but my head is a mess I can’t even think straight and I’m having to hold my tears back as I don’t want my kids to see me cry 😭 because I know once I start I not be able to stop 😭😭 god I’m hurting mentally and physically I just want it to stop
Prayers for you. See also the resources in my other post on self care.list.ly/list/2EUz-the-selfl... Hope that helps.